Alternative charge of manslaughter eliminated from Lynn trial.

A 57-year-old is close to finishing a five-week trial for murder.

June 13th 2024.

Alternative charge of manslaughter eliminated from Lynn trial.
Jurors were given a significant responsibility in the case of former airline pilot Greg Lynn, who is facing two charges of murder. The 57-year-old has pleaded not guilty to the deaths of Russell Hill and Carol Clay, who tragically passed away over four years ago in Victoria's alpine region.

As the five-week trial nears its end, Supreme Court Justice Michael Croucher took the time to clearly outline the charges to the 14 jurors on Thursday morning. He reminded them that they have the important task of determining whether Lynn is guilty of murder, as he cannot be found guilty of the alternate charge of manslaughter.

During the trial, Lynn maintained that the deaths were accidental, but he did admit to destroying evidence by burning the bodies and crime scene. The jury was initially presented with three options for a verdict: murder, manslaughter, or finding Lynn innocent. However, both the prosecution and defence have since agreed to remove manslaughter from consideration.

Justice Croucher explained to the jury that in this particular case, if they are not convinced beyond a reasonable doubt of murder, then they also cannot find Lynn guilty of manslaughter. It would be an incorrect verdict to do so. He reminded the jurors that their role is to objectively assess the facts and not let any emotions or personal biases cloud their judgment.

He emphasized the importance of putting any feelings of sympathy towards the families of Mr Hill and Mrs Clay aside, as they must act as impartial judges. Justice Croucher urged the jurors to not let their personal morals or judgments influence their decision.

Once the judge summarized the charges, the jury was dismissed to deliberate on their verdict. It is now in their hands to carefully consider the evidence and come to a just conclusion.

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