Ali Bastian rushed to the hospital with her baby daughter, who was unresponsive and turning blue.

She had to adjust her life after.

May 1st 2024.

Ali Bastian rushed to the hospital with her baby daughter, who was unresponsive and turning blue.
Ali Bastian, known for her role as Becca Dean on Hollyoaks, recently shared her experience of adapting to life as a mother of a child with allergies. Her daughter, Isla, suffers from both allergies and eczema, which has been a challenge for the actress and her husband, David O'Mahoney.

It all started when Ali noticed Isla's skin becoming sore and uncomfortable. Concerned, she sought out a dermatologist for an appointment, but due to the Covid-19 restrictions, the consultation had to be done via Zoom. During the virtual appointment, the dermatologist suggested that Isla's eczema could be an indicator of food allergies and recommended seeing an allergist.

At just four months old, Isla was diagnosed with allergies to peanuts, milk, and eggs. This meant that Ali had to begin the weaning process earlier than planned. However, as they started introducing new foods, it became apparent that Isla had more allergies, including wheat. The actress recalls being trained on how to use an EpiPen, which was a terrifying experience for her as a first-time mother.

Over the years, Isla's allergies have expanded to include sesame, cashews, and pistachios, but she has grown out of her wheat allergy. Ali admits that being an allergy parent is not easy and can be exhausting and anxiety-inducing. She also mentions the challenges of navigating social events and family gatherings with a child who has severe allergies.

Despite the difficulties, Ali remains positive and encourages other allergy parents to find ways to enjoy a rich social life while keeping their child safe. She also reminds them to practice self-care and avoid burnout. The actress shares that they have only attended one wedding as a family, but it was a wonderful experience for Isla to meet her extended family.

In conclusion, Ali Bastian's journey as an allergy parent has been filled with challenges, but she remains strong and optimistic. Her story serves as a reminder to other parents that they are not alone in their struggles and that there is always a way to make the best of any situation.

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