After the debate, President Biden greeted enthusiastic supporters who were hopeful about his performance.

BLACK ENTERPRISE attended a post-debate event for the Biden campaign.

June 28th 2024.

After the debate, President Biden greeted enthusiastic supporters who were hopeful about his performance.
On a warm summer evening in Atlanta, Georgia, President Joe Biden took the stage for the first of two Presidential debates against his political opponent, Donald Trump. The Hyatt Regency, just minutes away from the CNN building, was buzzing with excitement as Biden's supporters gathered to witness the highly anticipated event.

As BLACK ENTERPRISE joined the crowd, we were surrounded by people of all races, genders, and sexual orientations. Many were dancing and chatting, while others patiently waited in the catered buffet line. One woman, easily identified as a volunteer by her credentials, expressed her disdain for Biden's opponent, saying, "I can't handle another four years of the orange man. He will only bring harm to this country."

The conversation around the room was filled with criticisms of former President Trump and the urgent need to secure the Supreme Court. But despite these concerns, the crowd was rewarded for their contributions to the campaign with a special appearance by President Biden himself after the debate.

As the President and First Lady entered the venue, the crowd erupted into cheers and chants of "Four more years!" Despite some claims of an "abysmal" performance by Biden during the debate, the audience remained unwavering in their support. They chanted, "We need you," as Biden took the stage and expressed his gratitude for their unwavering support.

Contrary to accusations of incoherence during the debate, Biden's post-debate message was clear and powerful. "You are the reason America is as great as we are. We are the finest damn nation in the whole wide world," he proclaimed, his words met with even more cheers and applause.

The crowd's enthusiasm was evident as they waved Biden signs of all kinds and danced to celebrate what they believe is the best candidate to lead the United States for the next four years. Many even held up cardboard cutouts of Biden's signature aviator shades and face, adding to the lively atmosphere of diversity and unity.

But as the night came to a close and a new day dawned, there were varying opinions on the outcome of the debate. In an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, Vice President Kamala Harris urged Americans to not judge Biden's performance based on just "a 90-minute performance," but to also consider the administration's overall performance. Her remarks hinted at the possibility that Biden's performance may not have been perceived positively.

With the next debate still to come, Biden has the opportunity to not only solidify his loyal supporters but also win over undecided voters in the next five months leading up to the election. It will be a critical time for both candidates as they continue their campaigns and address the concerns of voters across the nation.

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