After nine years, owner and Chihuahua reunited.

She cried when she learned he was found.

July 27th 2024.

After nine years, owner and Chihuahua reunited.
When Judith Monarrez was reunited with her beloved pet dog Gizmo, she couldn't hold back her tears. It had been nine long years since she last saw him, and she had almost given up hope of ever finding him again. Back in 2015, Judith was living with her parents in Las Vegas, USA, and Gizmo was just a two-year-old Chihuahua then. One day, he managed to sneak out of their backyard through a faulty gate and ran off, leaving Judith heartbroken.

Although Gizmo was missing, Judith's life went on. She moved out of her parents' home, earned a master's degree in English, and started a career in higher education. But she never forgot about Gizmo and always hoped that one day she would be reunited with him. And that day finally came on June 21st of this year when she received an email saying that her beloved pet had been found alive.

The 37-year-old was overjoyed and couldn't contain her emotions. She ended up on the floor, crying tears of happiness. She later found out that a kind woman had spotted Gizmo on the streets and took him to a vet to be scanned for a microchip. Luckily, Gizmo had a microchip, and it was this scan that triggered the email to Judith. Within hours, she was finally reunited with her long-lost companion.

Judith described the moment as a "miracle" and expressed her gratitude for registering Gizmo's microchip. However, the joy of being reunited with her beloved pet was mixed with sadness as she saw the changes in him. Over the past nine years, Gizmo had been through a lot, and it was evident from his physical condition. He had grown afraid of shadows, heights, and birds, and he now walked with a limp. His eyes were severely infected, and he had lost some of his teeth.

But despite these changes, Judith could tell that it was Gizmo right away. She looked into his eyes, and she knew. When she called out his name, he tilted his head and stared at her, just like he used to. For Judith and her family, the focus now was on addressing Gizmo's health issues and giving him all the love that they had been holding onto for the past nine years.

Gizmo's story is not the only one of its kind. Last year, a dog missing for over six years in the UK was found alive and well after living in the wild. Rose, a black Patterdale terrier, was discovered by a rescue team, just six miles away from her home. She had been surviving by eating food left out for badgers and was known as the local stray.

Judith and her parents' love for Gizmo never faltered, and they are now determined to give him the best life possible. Despite the changes and challenges, they are grateful to have him back and are showering him with all the love and care that they had been holding onto for the past nine years.

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