After 32 years, a grandmother graduates from Clark Atlanta University, where she left high school.

Ebony Chappel beat the odds, graduating from college 30+ years after leaving high school for full-time work.

May 21st 2024.

After 32 years, a grandmother graduates from Clark Atlanta University, where she left high school.
Ebony Chappel's story is one of perseverance and determination. Despite being a mother of three and a grandmother of six, she refused to let her dreams of obtaining a college degree fade away. As a teenager, she was inspired by movies and TV shows like "School Daze" and "A Different World," which introduced her to the idea of college life. She was even set on attending one of the fictional colleges she saw on screen, not realizing they were not real schools.

But life had different plans for Ebony. At the age of 17, she became a young mother and had to drop out of high school to support her family. However, her dream of going to college never left her mind. She even attempted to attend beauty school, but the need to provide for her family took over. As the years went by, she pushed back her dream of going to college to focus on her responsibilities.

It wasn't until her youngest child was preparing to graduate high school that Ebony's dream was reignited. Her daughter's college advisor helped her obtain her GED, and five years later, she finally fulfilled her dream of attending her dream college and obtaining a bachelor's degree in fashion design.

Despite facing challenges and doubts, Ebony never gave up. She spent years honing her design skills by making clothes for herself and her children, and her hard work paid off when she was accepted into Clark Atlanta University, an HBCU. She even plans to start her master's degree at the age of 49, proving that it's never too late to pursue your dreams.

Ebony's advice to anyone considering going back to school is to not let doubts or fears hold you back. She is a living example that it's never too late to achieve your goals. As long as you're still here, there is always time to pursue your dreams. Ebony's story serves as an inspiration to never stop dreaming and believing in yourself, no matter how much time has passed.

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