After 27 years, I finally experienced an erection and I wish my wife could have witnessed it.

My sexual arousal reignited a passion within me.

September 1st 2024.

After 27 years, I finally experienced an erection and I wish my wife could have witnessed it.
As Robert settled onto his couch, ready to indulge in the steamy Netflix series Lady Chatterley's Lover, he felt a strange sensation. The half-naked bodies on the screen were causing him to become aroused, something that hadn't happened in 27 years. It was a shock for the 69-year-old, who had been struggling with erectile dysfunction since a 1997 accident.

Robert couldn't believe that he was experiencing a spontaneous erection, and even contemplated running outside to announce it to his neighbors. But he quickly realized that might not be the best idea. Living in a small, conservative town in Canada, Robert knew that discussing intimate issues, especially ones related to his penis, was not something that was commonly done among his friends.

He and his wife Deanna had been happily married for over four decades, but sadly, she was not around to witness this unexpected turn of events. Deanna passed away in 2021, leaving Robert with fond memories of their early days together. They met when they were just 17 years old on a school trip to London, and their relationship blossomed from there. Robert remembers their first dinner date at a steakhouse, and six years later, they were married.

Their marriage was filled with a healthy and fulfilling sex life, with Robert attributing his physical fitness to his ability to always be ready for intimacy. However, everything changed when Robert suffered a traumatic accident 21 years into their marriage. He slipped and fell off the roof of their family home, breaking two vertebrae in his spine. This not only caused immense pain, but it also sparked his issues with erectile dysfunction.

According to the NHS, erectile dysfunction affects half of men over 40 and can have various causes, including stress, fatigue, and excessive alcohol consumption. Other factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and hormonal imbalances can also contribute to ED. To improve erections, the NHS recommends maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, and getting enough quality sleep. Quitting smoking can also have a positive impact on erectile function.

For Robert, the aftermath of his accident meant 14 months of recovery and a complete change in his daily life. Although he wasn't paralyzed, he needed assistance with almost every task and could only sleep on his back. As a result, sex with his wife became impossible, and within two years, he completely lost his ability to have an erection.

While not having sex does not directly cause erectile dysfunction, it can have psychological effects that may contribute to the condition. GP Dr. Donald Grant explains that the lack of sexual activity can impact a person's mental well-being, which can, in turn, affect their sexual function.

Now living alone in Smiths Falls, Robert was determined to find a solution for his ED. He came across a new device and decided to give it a try. And to his surprise, it worked. Robert could once again experience the pleasure of an erection, something he never thought would be possible after his accident.

Although Robert is happy to have found a solution for his ED, there is still a tinge of sadness that his wife is not here to share in this moment. But he knows that she would be proud of him for overcoming his struggles and finding a way to keep his sex life alive. And as he continues to enjoy his newfound ability, he also encourages others to seek help and not be ashamed of discussing issues related to their sexual health.
As Robert settled in to watch the steamy Netflix show, Lady Chatterley's Lover, something unexpected happened. As the half-dressed bodies on screen writhed and tangled in a passionate love story, Robert felt a stirring within him. It had been 27 years since he had experienced an erection, but the lust-filled scenes were so electrifying that he couldn't help but have a spontaneous one.
At the age of 69, Robert never thought he would experience this again after suffering from erectile dysfunction since a 1997 accident. He was shocked and overwhelmed by the sudden surge of desire, and even felt the urge to shout it out to his neighbors, though he knew that wouldn't be appropriate. Living in the small Canadian town of Smiths Falls, Robert knew that discussing intimate issues or problems with their penises was not something that he or his friends would ever do, even while they could chat about tractors all day long.
"It's still very conservative here," he explained, "You just don't discuss erectile dysfunction, even with your closest buddies."
Robert and his wife Deanna had been happily married for 43 years before she passed away in 2021. They first met in 1972, at the young age of 17, on a school trip to London. Their first dinner date was at a steakhouse, and six years later they were married. They had a very healthy sex life and a strong intimate connection. "We had a very satisfying sexual relationship," Robert shared, "I was physically fit back then and my wife loved it when I came home from the gym because I was always ready to go."
However, everything changed when Robert had a tragic accident in 1997. He slipped and fell off the roof of their family home, breaking two vertebrae in his spine. This not only caused immense pain and trauma, but also sparked his struggle with erectile dysfunction. "I wasn't paralyzed, but the aftermath was 14 months of recovery. My life completely changed and I was in constant pain," Robert recalled. It took two years for his spine to heal and during that time, he needed assistance with daily tasks and could only sleep on his back. As a result, intimacy with his wife was no longer possible and within two years, his ability to have an erection disappeared.
According to the NHS, erectile dysfunction is a common issue for men over 40, with half of them experiencing some form of it. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, fatigue, excessive drinking, high blood pressure or cholesterol, diabetes, depression and anxiety, hormone problems, and more. In order to improve erectile function, it is recommended to exercise regularly, eat healthily, and manage stress levels. A 2023 study also found a link between sleep quality and erectile dysfunction, with those who had poor sleep quality experiencing a higher prevalence of ED. Quitting smoking can also have a positive impact on erectile function.
After his wife's passing, Robert continued to live in Smiths Falls and decided to try a new device to help with his erectile dysfunction. While not having sex may not directly cause erectile dysfunction, it can have psychological effects that may contribute to the condition. Dr. Donald Grant, a GP for The Independent Pharmacy, explains, "While not having sex is not a direct cause of erectile dysfunction, it can have psychological impacts that may contribute towards the condition." Robert is hopeful that this new device will help him regain his sexual function and once again experience the pleasure and intimacy that he shared with his wife for so many years.
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