Afroman plans to fight back in court against the officers who filed a lawsuit against him after raiding his home.

Rapper sued for using officers' video footage without permission.

March 25th 2023.

Afroman plans to fight back in court against the officers who filed a lawsuit against him after raiding his home.

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Seven law enforcement officers are suing the rapper Afroman

Seven law enforcement officers are suing rapper Afroman, real name Joseph Foreman, after he used footage from a police raid of his home in Ohio in August 2022 without their consent in music videos and social media posts. The officers allege that this has caused them ‘emotional distress, embarrassment, ridicule, loss of reputation and humiliation’ and are seeking all of Foreman’s profits from the use of their personas, as well as a court injunction to take down all videos and posts containing their faces.

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Afroman has vowed to countersue

Foreman has named himself, his recording brand and a media distribution company based in Texas as defendants, and has vowed to countersue for ‘the unlawful raid’, ‘money being stolen’, damage caused to his family, career and property, and the use of his footage to identify the criminals who robbed his home.

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