Actress Judi Dench was temporarily voiceless after a scary encounter with a snake during a stage performance.


February 17th 2025.

Actress Judi Dench was temporarily voiceless after a scary encounter with a snake during a stage performance.
In 1987, the talented Dame Judi Dench experienced a moment that would stay with her for years to come. While performing on stage, she was met with an unexpected and terrifying situation that left her speechless. This came as a surprise to many, as the esteemed actor had never been a fan of snakes, despite her illustrious career spanning eight decades. As an actor, one must always be prepared for the unexpected, but encountering snakes on stage was not a common occurrence.

The incident occurred during a production of William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, where live snakes were used as part of the performance. Having a lifelong fear of snakes, Dame Judi sought the help of her husband, Michael Williams, to come up with a plan to ease her fears and make the snakes seem more friendly. Together, they gave the snakes names, inspired by a popular British vaudeville act. This helped Dame Judi in her portrayal of Cleopatra, who meets her tragic end by snake bite in the play.

However, the names did little to calm her nerves when it came time for the final bow. One of the snakes, known as Wilson, Keppel, and Betty, decided to make a surprise appearance by falling out of Dame Judi's wig. This unexpected encounter left her so frightened that she lost her voice for two whole days. Despite this, the National Theatre continued to use live snakes in their productions of Antony and Cleopatra, with the most recent one being in 2018, starring Sophie Okonedo.

Audience members were warned about the use of live snakes in the theatre's program, but this did not stop some from being caught off guard. One attendee shared that they had their eyes covered for the entire scene of Cleopatra's death, and another revealed that a friend with a snake phobia was startled when one of the snakes made its way into the audience. This was not the only mishap with the snakes, as one even bit a prop man on a different night.

It seems that Dame Judi's fear of snakes was not unfounded, as even the National Theatre's Facebook page shared a post about a snake "taking a turn" and biting someone. Despite this, the use of live snakes in the production continues, adding to the authenticity of the play. It is no wonder that Dame Judi lost her voice after such a traumatic experience.

It goes to show that even the most esteemed actors can have fears and vulnerabilities, and it takes courage and determination to overcome them. Dame Judi Dench is a true national treasure, and her talent and resilience have been admired for decades. The incident in 1987 may have been a frightening experience, but it is a testament to her dedication to her craft and her ability to overcome her fears.

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