According to Anurag Kashyap, complete freedom can result in chaos.

Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, known for his role in ‘Bad Cop’, believes that complete freedom can lead to chaos if not monitored, as he has experienced firsthand with censorship.

July 14th 2024.

According to Anurag Kashyap, complete freedom can result in chaos.
In the bustling city of Mumbai, filmmaker Anurag Kashyap has taken on a new role - that of Kazbe Bhau in the popular streaming series 'Bad Cop'. As he delves into his character, Anurag can't help but reflect on the concept of absolute freedom and its potential consequences.

Having faced censorship on his stories in the past, Anurag knows all too well the impact of having his creative freedom curbed. Despite this, he acknowledges that absolute freedom, if left unchecked, could lead to chaos and anarchy. In a conversation with IANS, the director opens up about the importance of having checks and balances in society.

Anurag likens the concept of absolute freedom to other societal changes that have occurred in the past. He mentions how socialism was once seen as a positive movement, but eventually became corrupted. Similarly, the rise of globalization may have initially seemed like a gateway to a more connected world, but it has also brought about its own set of challenges. Anurag also brings up the example of cell phones, which were once seen as a way to have the world at our fingertips, but now can consume our lives and turn us into slaves to technology.

The director emphasizes the need for responsibility to accompany freedom. He believes that if there is absolute freedom, there must also be absolute responsibility to keep it in check. In today's world, where everyone is constantly connected through technology and social media, it is more important than ever to have a balance between freedom and responsibility.

In conclusion, Anurag Kashyap reminds us that while freedom is a fundamental right, it must be handled with care and responsibility to avoid its potential downfall. As we navigate through a constantly changing society, it is crucial to have checks and balances in place to keep things on track. Only then can we truly enjoy the benefits of freedom without succumbing to its negative consequences.

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