According to an expert, the ideal day to apply for a job is revealed.

Timing is everything.

July 26th 2024.

According to an expert, the ideal day to apply for a job is revealed.
Are you currently on the hunt for a new job? Maybe your current boss is a bit of a control freak, or perhaps you're looking to switch careers altogether. Whatever the reason, there are plenty of valid motivations for wanting to find a new job right now.

The work culture has drastically changed since the start of the pandemic, and this has caused a shift in what employees, especially those in the Gen Z generation, are looking for in their employers. From hybrid work models to accommodations for personal needs, job seekers are expecting more from their potential employers.

But did you know that the day of the week you apply for a job can actually impact your chances of getting hired? Surprisingly, the ideal day to submit your application is not bright and early on a Monday morning or as a last-minute task on a Friday afternoon. In fact, the most strategic day to apply is Tuesday.

According to career and education expert Robbie Bryant from Open Study College, the day of the week your application lands on the interviewer's desk can greatly affect your chances of securing an interview. Tuesdays are considered the most ideal day because it falls in the middle of the week, giving employers enough time to catch up from the weekend chaos and not getting lost among urgent tasks.

But it's not just about the day of the week; timing also plays a crucial role. Aim to submit your application around 8:45 am, as most people work within the typical 9-5 schedule. By sending your application early, you can be at the top of the priority list for the day.

While weekends may seem like the perfect time to craft your application, it's best to avoid sending it on a Saturday or Sunday. This can give the wrong impression about your work-life boundaries to potential employers. Instead, save your draft and set a reminder to hit send on Tuesday at 8:45 am, as a Saturday morning or Sunday evening email may not be well-received.

With the pandemic causing a significant rise in remote and hybrid work, it's no surprise that companies are now trying to bring employees back into the office. However, despite talking about the importance of in-office work, it seems that bosses are not willing to practice what they preach. A survey found that only 7% of chief executives work in a central office location five days a week, despite 93% of them adopting flexible working patterns.

After submitting your application, it's natural to either relax or anxiously wait for a response. But when you do hear back, it's essential to act promptly and professionally. According to Robbie, it's crucial to respond to any email before the end of the day, even if it's just to acknowledge that you've received it and will reply soon. This shows your potential employer that you are considerate and eager.

Feeling motivated to submit that application now? Go ahead and give it your best shot. And remember, if you have a story to share about your job search experience, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch by emailing [insert email].

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