Aberdeen photographers capture light amidst darkness.

Photographers in Aberdeen are showcasing their work in an exhibition called "Light in the Dark." The competition aimed to capture moments of joy and features winning entries from 60 amateur photographers. The exhibit can be seen at the Aberdeen Arts Centre.

February 17th 2025.

Aberdeen photographers capture light amidst darkness.
In the city of Aberdeen, a group of talented photographers have brought to life the concept of "the light in the dark" through a stunning exhibition. Over 150 entries were submitted by sixty amateur photographers for the Light in the Dark competition, which aimed to capture moments of joy in Aberdeen. The winning photographs, carefully selected by a panel of judges, are now proudly on display in the Aberdeen Arts Centre foyer.

This competition, organized by the Aberdeen Arts Centre in partnership with the photography department at North East Scotland College, was a challenging but enjoyable experience for the judges. As NESCol photography lecturer Steve Smith shared, the entries were of such high caliber that it was difficult to choose the winners. Regardless of the age of the entrants, each photograph showed careful thought and consideration in its composition. It was evident that every photo, whether taken on a camera or a phone, told a unique story and captured a strong narrative.

The Light in the Dark competition encouraged amateur photographers to explore the city of Aberdeen and discover new perspectives, particularly during the darker winter months. As a result, the entries showcased a diverse range of creative and beautiful moments of light and joy found in the city. Creative director of the Aberdeen Arts Centre, Amy Liptrott, who was also a judge for the competition, expressed her inspiration and admiration for the photographers' ability to find and capture these moments of light in the dark. She also highlighted the variety of perspectives and interpretations of the brief, showcasing the immense talent within the local community.

Liptrott added that the competition served as a platform for these talented individuals to express themselves and share their unique perspectives. It was a testament to the beauty and creativity within the community. The winners in the 18+ category were Scott Carr, Janice Forsyth, and Uchechi Adeboye, while Julia Gunn, Georgie Quinn Skolnik, and Georgia McLeod took home the top prizes in the Young People's category (17 and under).

The winning photographs, including Newburgh Beach by Scott Carr and Through the Broken Gate by Julia Gunn, are a true reflection of the beauty and joy found in Aberdeen. Other notable entries include In the Lane Next to the Hut by Georgie Quinn Skolnik and NESCOL 1 by Uchechi Adeboye. These photographs, along with the rest of the winning entries, serve as a reminder that there is a vast amount of beauty in our world, and it is a privilege to witness and share it through the lens of these talented photographers. To read more inspiring stories like this, check out the latest issue of Scottish Field and subscribe for more culture articles.

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