Aadhar and privacy issue

In India, aadhaar is mandatory for every citizen and it is used to authenticate the identity of the person. It is also used to authenticate the identity of a person for various services such as banking and mobile phone connections. This has led to privacy concerns about how this data can be accessed by other people, or even if it can be compromised.

Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique identification number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) on behalf of the Indian government. It is used for identification and authentication purposes. An aadhaar card is not proof of citizenship or domicile, but it can be used as an identity proof to avail of various services and benefits provided by the government. The Aadhaar card number can also be used as address proof to get a new SIM card, open a bank account, etc.

Privacy issue:

The privacy issue arises due to the centralized storage of data in one place which makes it vulnerable to hacking attacks. The Aadhar card is a 12-digit unique identification number issued by the Indian government to every citizen of India. It has been a controversial topic in recent years, with many people raising concerns about the privacy and security of personal data.

Aadhar is a unique ID based on biometric and demographic data which can be used for various purposes. This includes providing social welfare benefits, opening bank accounts, as well as filing tax returns. The system also uses iris scans and fingerprints to identify individuals.

The Aadhaar system is not only a database but also an identity document that can be used for any purpose. The UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) has been accused of storing fingerprint data, iris scan data, and other personal information without encryption in government databases which could cause security issues.


