A young child clings to their mother's body after medical professionals overlooked a deadly heart attack.

Lauren Page Smith was discovered dead with her toddler clinging to her.

May 17th 2024.

A young child clings to their mother's body after medical professionals overlooked a deadly heart attack.
On a tragic day in January, 29-year-old Lauren Page Smith was found lifeless on her bathroom floor by her mother, Emma Carrington. Her two-year-old daughter was clinging to her chest, saying "mummy won't wake up". It was later discovered that Lauren had suffered a sudden heart attack caused by a blood clot in her lung. This devastating event could have been prevented if the ambulance service had properly responded to her call for help.

Just hours before her collapse, Lauren had called 111, reporting chest pains and vomiting. An ambulance crew arrived at her home in Wolverhampton, but after incorrectly reading her electrocardiogram (ECG) test results, they deemed her condition not serious. Tragically, this was not the case, and Lauren's daughter was left to witness her mother's passing.

A post-mortem examination revealed that Lauren had died from a heart attack, and a coroner later ruled that there had been "gross failings" in her care. The West Midlands Ambulance Service admitted to a series of mistakes and apologized to Lauren's family. Her mother, Emma, expressed the devastation that this loss has caused, and the hope that lessons have been learned to prevent this from happening to another family.

During the inquest, Emma accused the two paramedics involved of "basically letting her die". She believes that because of Lauren's young age and calm demeanor, the paramedics did not take her condition seriously. As a result, her daughter was left without a future and her granddaughter will grow up without a mother. The family hopes that the Health and Care Professional Council will carefully consider the fitness to practice of the paramedics involved.

It is a heartbreaking tragedy that could have been avoided. Lauren had so much to live for and a bright future ahead of her. But now, her family is left to pick up the pieces and grieve the loss of a beloved daughter and mother. It is a reminder that mistakes can have devastating consequences, and it is crucial for healthcare professionals to take every call seriously and provide the necessary care. Lauren's family hopes that her story will prevent this from happening to anyone else.

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