A woman who attacked her romantic rival with a glass after a day at the races was not given a prison sentence.

Mia Troake accused Felicity Calveley of wanting to sleep with her boyfriend just before the attack.

September 4th 2024.

A woman who attacked her romantic rival with a glass after a day at the races was not given a prison sentence.
Mia Troake was recently given a suspended sentence for her involvement in an assault on Felicity Calveley, which took place in Chester in September of 2022. The incident involved Troake, a horsewoman, and Calveley, who were both attending a day at the races. After a few drinks, Troake became aggressive and ended up smashing a gin glass in Calveley's face. The incident left Calveley with a permanent scar on her face and has had a lasting impact on her life.

According to reports, the two women had a history of rivalry due to a shared romantic interest. On the day of the incident, the two groups ran into each other at a bar in Chester. Troake, fueled by alcohol, began taunting Calveley about her previous relationship with Troake's then-boyfriend. Despite Calveley's attempts to diffuse the situation, Troake persisted and eventually threw the glass at Calveley, causing a deep cut on her upper lip.

In a statement, Calveley shared the ongoing effects of the attack on her life. She explained that the scar on her face serves as a constant reminder of the traumatic event and often leads to uncomfortable questions from others. She also revealed that she has suffered from anxiety and struggles in social settings, especially when there is breaking glass present. Due to her injuries, she was diagnosed with mild PTSD and was forced to take three months off work, ultimately leading to her being made redundant.

During the sentencing, Troake was visibly upset and cried in the dock as she was given a suspended sentence of 18 months. The judge also ordered her to complete 100 hours of unpaid work and pay £1,000 in compensation to Calveley. However, Calveley expressed disappointment in the sentence, feeling that Troake had "gotten away with it" and that it would not have a significant impact on her life.

In court, it was revealed that Troake had a history of insecurity and immaturity, which likely contributed to her impulsive actions. She had also been intoxicated at the time of the incident. Her defense attorney also mentioned that Troake has a passion for racehorses and had been at the races earlier that day. However, this does not excuse her behavior and the impact it has had on Calveley's life.

The judge, Mr Recorder Eric Lamb, acknowledged the long-lasting and substantial effects of Troake's actions on Calveley's life. He noted that while Troake was able to move on from the failed relationship and pursue her career elsewhere, Calveley has been left with anxiety and fear, as well as mild PTSD that she is currently undergoing therapy for. Her work and finances were also significantly affected, leading to her being made redundant.

In conclusion, the judge emphasized the gravity of Troake's actions and the lasting impact they have had on Calveley's life. He also acknowledged the remorse shown by Troake and her low risk of reoffending. However, he also emphasized the need to hold her accountable for her actions and ensure that she understands the severity of her behavior.

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