A woman successfully completes the first solo journey of climbing all of Scotland's Grahams.

A climber from Scotland has completed the first-ever single journey to climb all of the Grahams, classified as hills between 2000 and 2500ft, in just four months. She had previously conquered all of Scotland's highest mountains, the Munros.

September 10th 2024.

A woman successfully completes the first solo journey of climbing all of Scotland's Grahams.
In an incredible feat of strength and endurance, a brave climber from the Highlands has achieved a remarkable milestone. Lorraine McCall, a 59-year-old adventurer, has become the first woman to conquer all of the Grahams in Scotland in one continuous journey. This challenging task involved climbing 231 hills, each between 2000 and 2500 feet in height. And this is no small feat, considering Lorraine had already conquered all 282 of Scotland's highest mountains, known as the Munros.

Lorraine's journey began on April 16th and lasted for four months. During this time, she walked an impressive 1,500 km and ascended over 120,000 meters, equivalent to climbing Mount Everest 14 times. But her journey was not limited to just walking. Lorraine also cycled 4,000 km and ascended 60,000 meters on her bike. She even took to the water, kayaking and using ferries whenever possible. Her journey took her to all corners of Scotland, from the southern region of Galloway to the northern tip of Sutherland. She also visited the islands, making her way to seven of them.

Lorraine's determination and strength were truly tested during this journey. On her most challenging day, she managed to conquer six summits near Luss, close to Loch Lomond, in a grueling 14-hour walk. Throughout her journey, she slept in tents, bothies, and hostels, carrying all her necessary gear, food, and water in a heavy rucksack. But despite the physical and mental challenges, Lorraine persevered, fueled by her pride and determination.

This was not Lorraine's first epic mountain adventure. In 2005, at the age of 40, she became the first woman to complete a non-stop, self-powered round of the Munros on foot and by kayak. And nearly a decade later, she broke another record by linking another group of mountains, known as the Corbetts, in a similar way. However, she admits that the Grahams round was by far the most challenging of them all. Her body was older and had endured three different cancers over the past 12 years, making her slower and more breathless. She also faced toileting issues, which added to the difficulties of her journey.

The Grahams, though smaller in size compared to the Munros and Corbetts, proved to be a formidable challenge. They are less traveled and have fewer paths, often covered in thick vegetation. Some of the toughest Grahams were located in the Cowal Peninsula in Argyll and in Galloway. Lorraine faced steep and rugged terrain, thick forests, bracken, and deep heather. And the west coast presented its own set of challenges, with boggy ground and swarms of midges.

Lorraine's incredible journey not only tested her physical and mental strength, but it also raised money for the charity Alzheimer's Scotland. Kirsty Stewart, the Executive Lead of Fundraising and Engagement, expressed her gratitude to Lorraine for her inspiring efforts and congratulated her on this remarkable achievement. She added that Lorraine's story will help raise awareness for dementia and every pound raised will support the vital work of the charity.

Lorraine's incredible journey is a testament to her determination, strength, and courage. She has pushed herself beyond her limits, overcoming challenges and obstacles along the way. Her story is an inspiration to all and showcases the power of the human spirit. We can only imagine the sense of pride and accomplishment that Lorraine must feel, knowing that she has achieved something that no other woman has done before. Her journey will be remembered for years to come, and her legacy will continue to inspire others to reach for their dreams.

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