A White House representative visits Morehouse to discuss important matters ahead of Biden's speech.

Attendees kept their identities hidden but voiced their concerns about Biden's presence.

May 14th 2024.

A White House representative visits Morehouse to discuss important matters ahead of Biden's speech.
A representative from the White House recently met with students and faculty at Morehouse College in preparation for President Joe Biden's upcoming commencement speech. The President is scheduled to address the graduates at the historically black college on May 19, but the news has raised some concerns.

Steve Benjamin, who leads the White House Office of Public Engagement, met with a small group to address any polarizing thoughts surrounding the President's appearance. The main concerns revolve around the Biden administration's response to the ongoing violence in the Gaza Strip and their support of Israel.

According to NBC News, Benjamin and a select group from Morehouse's community engaged in a lengthy discussion on May 10 to discuss the upcoming speech. The names of those present were not disclosed, but they all expressed their worries and criticisms regarding Biden's appearance.

Some fear that his presence will overshadow the graduates and their achievements due to the backlash. On the other hand, others are concerned that the speech will focus too much on Biden's re-election and not enough on the accomplishments of the all-men's HBCU.

However, Benjamin spoke on behalf of the administration's efforts to support and uplift the Black community and college students. Both sides of the issue were given a chance to voice their opinions in what was deemed a "fair conversation" by the official. It remains unclear if this discussion had any impact on the decision for Biden to speak at the graduation ceremony.

Unlike other college campuses, Morehouse and other prominent HBCUs have not participated in significant protests against the Israel-Hamas conflict. Many student protestors at other universities, such as Columbia and UCLA, have faced violence from law enforcement while demonstrating on campus.

Despite this, some students and faculty at Morehouse immediately spoke out against Biden's speech following the announcement. Concerned faculty members wrote a letter urging the college to reconsider, arguing that their esteemed alum, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., would not approve. The students also had a forum with the college's president to share their sentiments.

While the news of Biden's speech has sparked controversy, the college has taken steps to address any discontent among the campus community. It is clear that the topic of the President's appearance has generated strong emotions, but efforts are being made to ensure that the graduation ceremony runs smoothly.

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