A wallaby is seen hopping down a Devon road, leaving people curious about its presence.

Two drivers filmed the strange sight.

March 18th 2024.

A wallaby is seen hopping down a Devon road, leaving people curious about its presence.
In a small town in Devon, two motorists were left in disbelief when they saw a wallaby hopping down the main road. It was a strange and unexpected sight for the pair, who quickly grabbed their camera to capture the moment. The footage was later sent to Tim Whittard, a renowned documentary filmmaker and wildlife researcher, who specializes in investigating reports of unusual animal sightings.

After analyzing the video, Tim confirmed that the animal in question was a red-necked wallaby, a species native to Australia and Tasmania. He described the sighting as "remarkable" and explained that the witnesses, who chose to remain anonymous, were completely taken aback by the experience. One of them even mistook the wallaby for a baby kangaroo at first.

While some may find the presence of a wallaby in Devon to be quite surprising, Tim wasn't shocked at all. He noted that there have been several reports of red-necked wallabies in the UK in recent years, indicating that there is a small breeding population of them in the country. It is believed that these wallabies either escaped from private collections or were intentionally released.

In terms of appearance, red-necked wallabies have greyish-brown coats with distinctive red fur around their shoulders and neck. They are often mistaken for kangaroos, but they are much smaller in size. Tim also mentioned that they are typically solitary animals and are most active during dawn, dusk, and nighttime, which explains why this particular wallaby was spotted after dark.

This is not the first time a wallaby has been seen in the UK. In January, another one was casually hopping around Sheffield, Yorkshire. It seems that these marsupials have adapted to their new environment and are thriving in their new home. While it may be unusual to see them in the UK, it is a testament to their resilience and ability to adapt to different habitats.

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