A virus similar to Zika has been found in Europe for the first time.

The EU's disease watchdog reported 19 cases of a potentially fatal disease in June and July.

August 14th 2024.

A virus similar to Zika has been found in Europe for the first time.
It has been reported that a virus similar to the Zika virus has been discovered in Europe for the first time, raising concerns about public health. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has released a statement revealing that 19 cases of oropouche virus disease have been identified in Spain, Italy, and Germany during the months of June and July. Upon further investigation, it was found that 18 of these cases had a travel history to Cuba, while the 19th had visited Brazil.

This particular virus, known as oropouche, has previously been detected in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. According to the centre's threat assessment, outbreaks have been reported in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, and most recently in Cuba. It is believed that the virus is primarily transmitted to humans through the bite of a certain type of midge, which is not commonly found in Europe.

Symptoms of oropouche virus disease include fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and in severe cases, more serious symptoms may occur. However, the centre assures that the prognosis for recovery is good and fatal outcomes are extremely rare. Unfortunately, there is currently no vaccine or specific medication to treat this disease.

Recent reports from Brazil have raised concerns about the possibility of pregnant women passing the virus to their newborn babies. However, the centre states that this is still under investigation. It is important to note that there have been no known cases of the virus spreading from person to person, therefore the cases in Europe are not considered a significant threat.

While the oropouche virus may not be a major concern for those living in Europe, the centre has issued a warning for individuals travelling to Central or South America, or the Caribbean, especially pregnant women. The Smartraveller website does not specifically mention the oropouche virus, but it does advise against the potential danger of insect-borne diseases. For the latest updates on this and other news, you can follow us on our WhatsApp channel. Our platform offers a safe and private space to stay informed on the latest breaking news, celebrity updates, and sports news. No comments, no algorithms, and your private details remain confidential. Stay connected with us for all the latest updates.

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