A villager in Emmerdale seeks to eliminate child killer Ella.

She is not welcome.

July 15th 2024.

A villager in Emmerdale seeks to eliminate child killer Ella.
Tracy was seething with anger as she took out her frustrations on her former friend, Ella Forster. Ella had recently returned to the Emmerdale village, causing quite a stir among the locals. And it was no surprise that Ella didn't have many supporters after news of her brutal attack on her childhood friend spread like wildfire through the village.

Ella had initially fled the village, but she had to return to collect her belongings from Liam's cottage. Her attempt to sneak in and out unnoticed was foiled when Mandy caught her in the act. Mandy was taken aback by the state of her former friend and couldn't help but feel torn at the sight.

Unfortunately for Ella, her luck didn't seem to be improving. As she tried to leave the village after the encounter with Mandy, she ended up in a car accident, leaving her with no means of shelter or transportation. It seemed like she was stuck in the village for the foreseeable future, much to Tracy's dismay.

Tracy had made her feelings about Ella crystal clear ever since she found out about her violent act. She was livid when she learned that Manpreet had hired a child killer, and she didn't hold back in expressing her thoughts. Tracy even went as far as to quit as a patient at the surgery, vowing to seek medical care elsewhere.

When Manpreet was confronted by Tracy, she couldn't believe that Tracy's anger was still directed at her, even though Ella had already been fired. But Tracy was resolute in her belief that Manpreet's judgement was severely lacking for hiring someone with a violent criminal past.

With Ella back in town and Tracy becoming increasingly dissatisfied with her life, she turned her anger towards Ella. She began to criticize her suitability as the surgery receptionist, letting her jealousy get the best of her. But as Tracy's resentment towards Ella grows, one can't help but wonder how far she will take it.

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