A video shows an otter sneaking into a garden center and devouring £10,000 worth of koi fish.

An otter was caught leaving the garden centre with a fish in its mouth.

July 5th 2024.

A video shows an otter sneaking into a garden center and devouring £10,000 worth of koi fish.
A hungry otter was recently found sneaking out of a pond at a garden centre in Darlington, carrying a few stolen koi carp in its mouth. This unexpected incident has caused quite a stir, as the garden centre now faces a hefty £10,000 loss. The owner, Richard Scarr, who has been running Paddock Farm garden centre for over a decade, was shocked to discover that the otter had managed to break in and help itself to his precious fish.

Upon reviewing the CCTV footage, Mr. Scarr saw the otter casually strolling away from the scene of the crime with the captured fish. This was not the first time the otter had struck, as earlier this year, the entire stock of carp had disappeared, with only the headless bodies of the fish left behind. As a precaution, Mr. Scarr had moved the remaining fish indoors, but this has affected the appearance of the garden centre, leading to negative reviews from customers.

Despite the efforts of the staff to keep the otter out, it kept finding its way back in, causing havoc and destruction. Mr. Scarr shared how they had tried various methods to prevent the otter's entry, including putting up new fences, but to no avail. The resilient animal had even managed to cause damage worth thousands of pounds by damaging the pond's lining.

In a desperate attempt to catch the otter, Mr. Scarr sought help from the Wildlife Trust. However, he was told that there was nothing they could do as otters are a protected species under the Wildlife and Countryside Act. This news came as a disappointment to Mr. Scarr, who had hoped for a solution to save his remaining fish.

Despite not being seen since late January, the fear of the otter's return lingers, especially as neighboring gardens have also reported losses due to the otter's thieving ways. Mr. Scarr is torn between putting his remaining fish back outside and risking another attack or keeping them indoors and sacrificing the garden centre's appearance.

In response to the incident, social media users have expressed their relief that the otter was not caught, as it would have been against the law without a proper license. Otters are a vital part of the ecosystem and are protected by law to prevent their decline. As much as Mr. Scarr and his team have suffered from the otter's actions, they understand the importance of protecting these creatures.

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