A Twitch star shares story of fan's extreme act of traveling 700 miles to set her car ablaze.

Stalker jailed for 2 years after setting Twitch streamer's car on fire in her driveway.

April 2nd 2024.

A Twitch star shares story of fan's extreme act of traveling 700 miles to set her car ablaze.
Being a content creator may seem like a dream job, with the freedom to do what you love and make a good living from it. However, there is a dark side to this profession that is not often talked about. Just ask popular Twitch streamer Amouranth, who has had her fair share of stalker incidents, including one where a fan defecated on her driveway.

Unfortunately, Amouranth is not the only one to experience such terrifying encounters. Just Foxii, another well-known streamer, recently shared her harrowing experience with a stalker who not only set her car on fire but also recorded the crime and sent her the footage. This stalker has now been sentenced to two years in prison, and Just Foxii has finally found closure after a year of fear and uncertainty.

In a brave move, Just Foxii uploaded a YouTube video detailing the incident and the aftermath now that the court case is over. She reveals that she was on vacation when her mother called her in a panic, informing her that her car was on fire in their driveway. CCTV footage later showed the culprit, who Just Foxii claims is the same man now in prison, lurking around her property. The police also found evidence, including a bag with a lighter, mask, and gloves, that linked the stalker to the crime.

Just Foxii also shares that this man rarely interacted on her Twitch stream, but had sent her a large sum of money in 2020. She believes that this was a ploy to gain her trust and access to her home. The stalker even traveled 700 miles to carry out this heinous act, leaving Just Foxii feeling unsafe and violated in her own home.

The aftermath of this incident has been traumatic for Just Foxii, who admits that her house no longer feels like a safe haven. She is relieved that the stalker is now behind bars, but the emotional scars remain. The man's attorney even had the audacity to accuse Just Foxii of scamming his client, an accusation she firmly denies.

Despite the ordeal, Just Foxii is determined to move on and focus on her passion for streaming. She is grateful to finally have a clear mind and not have to constantly worry about her safety. Her fans have shown immense support, and Just Foxii is looking forward to returning to her normal routine without the fear of her stalker's looming presence.

This incident serves as a reminder of the ugly side of being a content creator, where privacy and safety are constantly at risk. It also highlights the need for stricter regulations and safety measures to protect streamers and other online personalities. As Just Foxii's story gains attention, it is hoped that it will bring about positive change in the industry.

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