A toddler from Ghana becomes the youngest male artist in Guinness World Records, with his paintings selling quickly.

Two-year-old Ace-Liam Nana Sam loves to paint with his mini easel, apron, and paint palette.

May 26th 2024.

A toddler from Ghana becomes the youngest male artist in Guinness World Records, with his paintings selling quickly.
In a remarkable feat, a young child from Ghana has been recognized by Guinness World Records as the world's youngest artist. Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah, who was only 1 year and 152 days old at the time, first picked up a paintbrush at the tender age of six months. His mother, Chantelle Kuukua Eghan, who is also an artist, introduced him to the world of painting as a way to keep him entertained while she worked on a commissioned piece for Miss Universe 2023.

As a single mother, Eghan was taken aback by the incredible pieces her infant son was able to create as he playfully crawled around on the canvas. She fondly recalls his first artwork, aptly named "The Crawl." What amazed her even more was his natural ability to select and combine complementary colors, demonstrating his keen eye for detail and aesthetics.

Eghan shared with Guinness, "His paintings reflect his fascination with the world and his eagerness to discover new things." Since learning to walk and talk, Ace-Liam has developed a love for painting and now regularly requests to join his mother in their home studio. Standing at his own mini easel, donning his tiny apron and paint palette, he eagerly creates his next masterpiece. And when he's finished, he proudly proclaims, "Mama finish."

At just two years old, Ace-Liam has already built an impressive portfolio of colorful and abstract paintings, nine of which were sold at an exhibition at the Museum of Science and Technology in Accra, Ghana's capital. His talent has caught the attention of Ghana's first lady, Rebecca Akufo-Addo, who not only attended the exhibit but also commissioned a piece from the young prodigy. In total, Ace-Liam has sold 15 pieces, and there are plans for an auction of his work in the works.

On May 20, after participating in a professional public exhibition and successfully selling his art, Ace-Liam was officially awarded the title of the world's youngest artist. Overjoyed by the news, Eghan told the BBC, "When I opened the email, I just broke down and thanked God." She hopes that this recognition will open doors for her son, such as scholarships to nurture his talents and opportunities to showcase and sell his art globally. She also wants to inspire others to support and encourage children's passions, as she firmly believes that every child has something special and unique to offer.

Despite his young age, Ace-Liam's paintings have already been compared to those of famous artists, such as Jackson Pollock, due to their abstract and color-rich nature. His mother couldn't be prouder of her son's achievements and hopes that he will continue to grow and thrive as an artist. This remarkable young boy's talent and determination serve as a reminder that age is just a number when it comes to pursuing one's passion and achieving greatness.

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