A TikTok user has successfully raised more than $250,000 for a homeless cancer patient in need, asking for help to support the individual.

A TikToker's kind deeds for a homeless cancer patient have captured the internet's attention, raising over $250K and earning her the title of "angel."

February 2nd 2024.

A TikTok user has successfully raised more than $250,000 for a homeless cancer patient in need, asking for help to support the individual.
A young woman named Sanai Graden recently became an internet sensation after her heartwarming encounter with a homeless man diagnosed with cancer went viral on TikTok. Sanai, a college student from Washington D.C., shared her experience in a four-minute video that quickly gained attention, receiving over 250,000 views in just 24 hours.

It all started when Sanai was on her way to Trader Joe's to buy groceries. As she was walking, a homeless man approached her and asked if she could buy him a cup of hot tea. Sanai, being the kind-hearted person she is, invited the man to join her on her trip to the grocery store.

During the trip, Sanai vlogged their time together and showed the man's struggle with his condition. She also shared that he had just gotten insurance, but it would take 45 days for it to be active. Without hesitation, Sanai offered to pay for the man's medicine at CVS.

But her kindness didn't stop there. Sanai took the man to Starbucks and bought him a large green tea. She also went on a mission to get the correct medicine for him, even walking to another CVS without him because he was in too much pain to walk.

Sanai's compassion didn't go unnoticed. She was determined to help the man, whom she referred to as "Unc." She even got him a hotel room for the night and made sure he had proper meals.

As they spent more time together, Sanai learned that the man's name was Alonzo and he was battling prostate cancer. She felt a strong connection to him and was determined to make a positive impact on his life.

Sanai turned to her followers on TikTok for help, and they responded with overwhelming support. She started a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for Alonzo, and in just a day, they had raised over $150,000.

In a heartwarming video, Sanai shared the news with Alonzo, and he was speechless. He expressed how lonely he had been and even asked God to bring his "little angel" back to him.

Sanai continued to document Alonzo's journey, taking him shopping for a phone and new clothes. Her next goal is to find him a permanent place to live. And through it all, Sanai remains grateful for the support and love she has received from her followers.

In one video, Sanai's emotions overwhelmed her as she cried tears of joy, and her mother praised her for her genuine kindness towards someone in need. It's moments like these that remind us of the power of kindness and the impact it can have on someone's life.

Sanai's story is a beautiful example of how a simple act of kindness can make a significant difference. And it's heartwarming to see the online community come together to support a stranger in need. As Sanai continues to document Alonzo's journey, we can all be reminded to spread love and kindness wherever we go.

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