A thief pauses from stealing to read a book.

Is this the worst thief in the world?

August 21st 2024.

A thief pauses from stealing to read a book.
In the charming neighborhood of Prati, located in the bustling city of Rome, an unexpected incident occurred. It all started when a burglar, who shall remain nameless, attempted to carry out a robbery in a home. Little did he know, this seemingly simple task would turn into a lesson learned the hard way.

As the saying goes, "curiosity killed the cat," and in this case, it almost cost the burglar his freedom. It turns out, while in the midst of committing a crime, he couldn't resist the temptation of a good book. Yes, you read that right - a book. As he perused the shelves of the home, he became so engrossed in the words on the pages that he completely forgot about his initial plan.

The incident took place on a Tuesday in the picturesque art nouveau district of Prati. As reported by local media, the homeowner, a 71-year-old man, heard unusual noises coming from one of the rooms in the middle of the day. Being the vigilant individual that he is, the man immediately went to investigate.

To his surprise, he found the burglar flipping through a book from his personal collection. Caught off guard, the burglar swiftly stood up and made a run for it, leaving behind his unfinished heist. The homeowner quickly dialed 112 and alerted his neighbors, who also jumped into action. Before long, the police arrived at the scene and took the burglar into custody.

The authorities have yet to reveal the identity of the burglar, but it is believed that he had a bag filled with fancy clothes. However, it is reported that he did not have enough time to actually steal anything from the home. So, in the end, the only thing the burglar walked away with was a valuable lesson - never let your love for books distract you from your criminal intentions.

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