A teenager whose skin is damaged by sunbeds warns others against using them.

The teen became 'hooked' on tanning beds.

October 5th 2024.

A teenager whose skin is damaged by sunbeds warns others against using them.
Next up, I have a story to share about a brave young woman named Megan Blain. Megan is an 18-year-old student living in Seaham, County Durham. She recently opened up about her experience with sunbeds and the shocking consequences it had on her appearance.

It all started two years ago when Megan decided to ditch her trusty fake tan bottles in favor of sunbeds. She wanted to achieve a darker, more glamorous look all year round. Little did she know that this decision would lead her down a dangerous path.

Megan quickly became addicted to the sunbeds, using them daily for up to half an hour at a time. She even started injecting herself with tanning jabs to achieve an even deeper glow. Despite spending hours each week tanning, Megan never felt dark enough and craved even more time under the UV lights.

Sadly, her addiction did not come without consequences. Megan noticed a suspicious patch on her skin, but her fear of cancer did not stop her from using the sunbeds. Strangers on the street would stare at her, and trolls online would compare her to a "burnt chip." Despite the criticism, Megan continued to use the sunbeds, never feeling satisfied with her tan.

But finally, after two years of daily tanning sessions, Megan has managed to wean herself off the beds. She now only goes three times a week and has even taken to TikTok to warn others about the dangers of sunbeds.

Looking back, Megan admits that she knew very little about the dangers of sunbeds when she first started using them. She would cover herself in baby oil and lay on the beds for half an hour at a time, feeling confident and loving the way the tan made her bright-colored clothes pop.

But soon, she found herself stuck in a cycle of abuse, relying on tanning injections that made her feel sick and unable to eat. She would go on the beds every day, and now, even though she has cut back, she still struggles to imagine a life without them.

Megan's addiction became even more apparent when she noticed a blemish on her skin but couldn't bring herself to go to the doctors. She realized that her fear of cancer was not enough to make her stop using the sunbeds.

Despite all of this, Megan still never felt dark enough. She would receive comments from strangers and trolls online, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she needed to be even darker. It was like she was physically blind to her own appearance.

Now, Megan wants to warn others, especially the younger generation, about the dangers of sunbeds. She wishes she could turn back time and never start using them in the first place. She has received hate online, but she also has a support system cheering her on and encouraging her to embrace her natural beauty.

Megan's story serves as a cautionary tale for anyone thinking about using sunbeds. It's not worth risking your health and becoming addicted to achieve a certain appearance. As Megan says, she wouldn't recommend anyone to go down the same path as her. Let's all learn from her experience and prioritize our health and well-being.

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