A teenager's mother is murdered, and she was forced to abandon her body on the side of the road.

5 million children are currently without homes due to the ongoing conflict in Sudan.

August 27th 2024.

A teenager's mother is murdered, and she was forced to abandon her body on the side of the road.
Kaoussar's story is one that truly shocks the heart. It is a story of loss, pain, and trauma. As a 16-year-old girl, Kaoussar found herself running for her life as her family was suddenly attacked and separated. Amidst the chaos, she lost her father and two brothers. With only her mother, grandmother, and heavily pregnant aunt by her side, Kaoussar was forced to flee from strangers who were trying to kill them.

Tragically, they were unable to outrun their attackers, and Kaoussar's mother was killed before her eyes. In her grief and despair, Kaoussar wanted to stay with her mother, but her grandmother and aunt dragged her away, knowing that they had to keep moving if they wanted to survive. With heavy hearts, they left her mother's body on the side of the road and continued their dangerous journey.

To make matters worse, Kaoussar's aunt gave birth in the midst of their frantic escape. With no medical assistance available, her grandmother and other women fleeing the violence came together to help deliver the baby. Kaoussar's story is a harrowing one, but unfortunately, it is not unique. She is just one of over 5 million children who have been made homeless by the ongoing conflict in Sudan - a number that is equivalent to the entire population of Ireland.

Sadly, Sudan is currently facing one of the world's most severe humanitarian crises. In fact, it has been 500 days since the war began, and the situation has only worsened. The conflict, which erupted on April 15, 2023, is primarily between two rival factions - the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces. As a result, the country is facing a devastating crisis that is starving children to death.

Children and families are living in constant fear and danger, with thousands already killed and many more suffering from preventable diseases and hunger. The collapse of healthcare infrastructure and food supply has only worsened the situation, and the crisis is now forcing unprecedented numbers of children into extreme hunger. In North Darfur, famine conditions have already been reported, and there is a growing risk that this could spread across the entire country.

Kaoussar's story is just one of many that highlight the urgent need for aid and support in Sudan. As an aid worker myself, it breaks my heart to see so many children and families who have lost everything. One of my colleagues met a young woman named Sarra, who had to flee to Chad after her pregnant sister was killed while they were trying to escape the country. Sarra, like many others, is deeply traumatized and still cannot understand why a young pregnant woman would be targeted.

Life in Sudan is desperate, even for those who have not yet fled the country. 14-year-old Angham shared with us how her dream of becoming a doctor like her father was shattered when they lost their home. Now, she and her extended family sleep on the floor of a tiny office in a school. Angham, like many other children in Sudan, has not been able to receive any education since the conflict began.

My colleagues and I put our lives at risk every day to deliver aid and support to those in need. We are determined to do everything in our power to save lives, but we cannot do it alone. The international community must also step up and do more for Sudan's children. It has only taken 500 days for Sudan to become the world's largest child displacement crisis, with approximately 10,000 children being forced from their homes every day.

This was the fate that befell Kaoussar and her family. After fleeing from Geneina city, they eventually found shelter in a camp near the city. But their safety was short-lived as the camp was attacked, and Kaoussar's mother was killed. With nowhere else to turn, they walked for three days until they reached Chad. Even there, they faced many challenges and difficulties before finally finding a new home in a refugee camp.

Kaoussar's memories of her mother's death and her father's disappearance still haunt her to this day. She now lives in a crowded camp, where access to basic necessities like food, water, and sanitation is severely limited. Thankfully, she is able to go to school and has even become a leader in her classroom. But her past is filled with trauma and uncertainty, and she, like many other Sudanese children, struggles to move forward.

The situation in Sudan is dire, and it requires urgent and immediate action. We cannot afford to delay any longer, as children are already losing their lives to violence and starvation. We must come together and provide aid, support, and protection to those who need it most. As an aid worker, I urge the international community to put pressure on all parties involved in the conflict to secure access for humanitarian aid and funding. We must also create safe and legal routes for those who are fleeing to seek protection.

If we do not act now, the consequences will be devastating. Children will continue to suffer and die, families will be torn apart, and the future of an entire generation will be at risk. We cannot let this happen. The time to act is now. Please join us in providing aid and support to the children affected by the conflict in Sudan. Together, we can make a difference and save lives.

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