A teenager's lung was damaged after consuming an amount of vapor equal to smoking 57 cigarettes daily.

'I believed they were not a threat.'

June 9th 2024.

A teenager's lung was damaged after consuming an amount of vapor equal to smoking 57 cigarettes daily.
Kyla, a 17-year-old girl, made a life-changing decision after experiencing a terrifying incident involving her vaping habit. Her father, Mark Blythe, was by her side throughout the ordeal and recalls crying like a baby when he received the call that his daughter had collapsed and turned blue during a sleepover. It was a frightening experience that Mark will never forget.

Kyla had been vaping since she was 15, influenced by her schoolmates who were also picking up the trend. She believed it was harmless and had no idea of the danger she was putting herself in. In fact, she was using the equivalent of 400 cigarettes a week, or 57 cigarettes a day. It wasn't until she collapsed and was rushed to the hospital that she realized the true consequences of her habit.

Doctors discovered that Kyla's lung had collapsed due to a small air blister known as a pulmonary bleb, which had burst from excessive vaping. She was lucky to have survived and underwent a five-and-a-half-hour surgery to remove part of her lung. It was a terrifying experience for both Kyla and her father, who stayed by her side the entire time.

The incident has scared Kyla off vaping for good. She admits that she used to think it was harmless, but now she wouldn't even go near a vape. The situation has been a wake-up call for her, and she hopes to spread awareness to others about the dangers of vaping.

This was not Kyla's first experience with vaping-related health issues. Last November, she was rushed to the hospital with a suspected heart attack, which turned out to be a hole in her lung caused by a bleb. She was told it had healed in February, but her lung collapsed again just a few weeks later. It was a close call for Kyla, and her father is determined to warn other young people about the dangers of vaping.

Mark, a full-time carer for his daughter, has been through a lot with Kyla in the past couple of weeks. He blames her vaping habit for her collapsed lung and is determined to spread awareness about the dangers of vaping. He recalls receiving a call at 4am that his daughter had collapsed and gone blue. It was a terrifying moment, and he rushed to her side, taking her to the hospital.

Kyla's lung had collapsed due to a hole caused by a bleb, and doctors believe it was caused by her excessive vaping. Mark has learned that this is becoming a common issue among young people, with even children under five ending up in the hospital due to vape-related conditions. The popularity of vapes among youth is on the rise, with more and more children trying them. It's a concerning trend that needs to be addressed.

Mark himself has been vaping for 13 years to help quit smoking, but he never realized the potential danger until his daughter's incident. He had caught Kyla using an e-cigarette before, but he had no idea how young she started or the extent of her habit. It was a wake-up call for both him and Kyla.

Mark urges parents to pay attention to their children's habits and to be aware of the dangers of vaping. He believes there should be a ban, especially on throw away vapes, until more research is done on their effects. He hopes that by sharing Kyla's story, he can prevent other families from going through the same ordeal.

In the end, Kyla's experience has changed her perspective on vaping, and she hopes to spread awareness to others. She believes that until more is known about the potential dangers, it's just not worth it. Mark, who has been through a lot with his daughter, couldn't agree more. He wants to make sure that young people understand the risks involved and urges parents to have open conversations with their children about vaping. It's a message that needs to be heard, and Mark won't stop until it is.

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