A teacher is accused of portraying herself as a victim after engaging in sexual activity with two students, according to court testimony.

Teacher Rebecca Joynes allegedly had sexual relationships with two 15-year-old students and got pregnant by one of them.

May 16th 2024.

A teacher is accused of portraying herself as a victim after engaging in sexual activity with two students, according to court testimony.
In the midst of a highly publicized court case, teacher Rebecca Joynes stands accused of two counts of sexual activity involving two teenage students, one of whom she had a baby with. The prosecution claims that she is trying to manipulate the situation by portraying herself as a victim because of her gender. The allegations against her are of a serious nature, involving the grooming and manipulation of a 15-year-old boy, who she allegedly bought an expensive item for before engaging in sexual activity with him. She then became pregnant by another underage student while out on bail for the first set of allegations. However, Joynes denies any sexual relationship with the first student and argues that the second student was 16 and no longer in school when they had consensual sex.

Throughout the trial at Manchester Crown Court, the prosecution has questioned Joynes' actions and motivations, suggesting that she is using her gender to garner sympathy. They even brought attention to her visibly tucking her baby's bonnet into her trousers, insinuating that she was trying to manipulate the jury's perception of her. But Joynes' legal team argued that she is simply being shrewd and aware of the optics of the situation.

The prosecutor also disputed Joynes' claims of being gaslit by the second student, questioning who was truly being manipulated in the situation. They also posed the thought experiment of how the case would be perceived if Joynes were a man and the victims were girls, highlighting the double standards that exist in society.

The defense argued that the prosecution is trying to paint Joynes as a helpless victim, instead of a mature and responsible adult, in order to twist the narrative in their favor. They pointed out that both students were communicating with Joynes on Snapchat, where messages are deleted and not recoverable by the police. While Joynes admitted to making mistakes by meeting with the students outside of school, she maintains that she did not engage in any illegal sexual activity with them.

Joynes tearfully shared with the jury the pain of having her baby taken away from her immediately after giving birth and being limited to only seeing her child three times a week. She firmly denies all charges against her, including the six counts of sexual activity with a child. In their closing statements, Joynes' legal team argued that one of the students had lied about their interactions, while the other had twisted the truth to make it seem like the sexual activity began earlier than it did.

The trial continues, with the jury expected to deliberate on Thursday morning. It is a complex and emotional case, with both sides presenting their arguments and evidence. The truth of what truly happened between Joynes and the two students remains to be seen.

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