A student in Georgia concealed an AR-15-style rifle in his backpack before carrying out a shooting at his school.

US officials have revealed information about the actions of Colt Gray before his shooting attack that killed four individuals.

September 13th 2024.

A student in Georgia concealed an AR-15-style rifle in his backpack before carrying out a shooting at his school.
A 14-year-old student, Gray Colt, has admitted to shooting and killing four people at a high school in Winder, Georgia. The authorities have revealed that he was able to leave his math class in the morning of September 4th and return with a rifle hidden in his backpack. This confirms previous accounts from other students who had witnessed Colt leaving his classroom before carrying out the deadliest school shooting in the US this year.

According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Colt had brought the assault-style rifle into the school on his own and had hidden it in his backpack. It was unable to be broken down, making it easy for him to conceal. He then asked a teacher if he could go to the front office and speak to someone. The teacher allowed him to leave and take his belongings with him. Instead of going to the office, Colt went to the restroom and hid from teachers. Later, he retrieved the rifle and started shooting.

Colt is now facing four counts of felony murder and will potentially face additional charges, as stated by the Barrow County district attorney. It has been decided that he will be tried as an adult and could face a life sentence if convicted. His father, Colin Gray, is also facing charges for his involvement in the shooting. He is charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder, and eight counts of cruelty to children. According to an arrest warrant affidavit, Colin had given his son a firearm, knowing that he was a threat to himself and others. If found guilty, he could face up to 180 years in prison.

Both Colt and his father have not entered pleas yet. Colt's lawyer declined to comment, while Colin's lawyer has not responded to a request for comment from CNN.

In response to the Apalachee High School shooting, Georgia House Speaker Jon Burns has called for new gun safety and mental health measures. In a letter addressed to fellow Republicans, Burns acknowledged that there was a breakdown in communication between the school system and law enforcement, which allowed the shooter's prior history to slip through the cracks. He emphasized the need for schools to have the necessary resources to coordinate with mental health interventions for students.

Burns also promised to reintroduce legislation that would incentivize safe gun storage and promote gun safety training. He also suggested exploring new technologies to detect firearms outside of school buildings and expanding access to mental health care across the state.

This letter came after Democratic state leaders, including Senate Minority Leader Gloria Butler, joined gun violence survivors at the Georgia State Capitol to demand gun safety legislation. They called for measures such as safe storage laws and red-flag laws. In an effort to stay updated on breaking news, celebrity updates, and sports news, people are encouraged to follow our WhatsApp channel without the fear of privacy invasion.

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