A student discovers a live scorpion in a package from Shein.

At first, I suggested we should destroy it.

October 11th 2024.

A student discovers a live scorpion in a package from Shein.
Let me tell you a funny story, but it was actually pretty scary at the time. Online shopping can bring about all sorts of surprises. You might be wondering if your new clothes will look and feel as amazing as they did on the screen, or if they will come packed with a live scorpion. Yes, you read that right - a scorpion!

Eighteen-year-old Sofia Alonso-Mossinger recently experienced this shocking surprise when she received a bag of boots she had ordered from fast-fashion brand Shein. According to BBC, she thought she had found a toy in the bag, but to her horror, it turned out to be a live scorpion. "I unzipped the packaging and saw something moving. I couldn't believe it," Sofia, who is studying electrical and electronic engineering, shared.

She continued, "I'm usually okay with spiders and other insects, but having a random scorpion in my room was quite scary." Her flatmate Phoebe Hunt, also 18, rushed to Sofia's room when she heard her screaming, only to find her with the scorpion. "At first, I suggested we should kill it, but then we realized it wasn't the most humane thing to do. So, we scooped it up and put it in a Tupperware," Phoebe said.

Their other flatmate, Oliver James, who is studying zoology, used kitchen tongs to transfer the scorpion into a plastic container. They then provided it with water and a shelter made of card. It was a nerve-wracking experience for Oliver as he was unsure of how dangerous the scorpion could be. It turns out that scorpions are responsible for the deaths of thousands of people each year, but this particular one won't be harming anyone.

The scorpion, known as the Chinese scorpion or Olivierus martensii, has a venomous sting that can be medically significant. However, according to Chris Newman, a spokesperson for the National Centre for Reptile Welfare, it is not life-threatening for an average adult. "Such incidents are quite common for us, as stowaways like this scorpion often end up in unexpected places," Newman added.

Thankfully, the students were not at risk as they found out after contacting the National Centre for Reptile Welfare. When asked about this incident, a spokesperson for Shein said, "As soon as we received the feedback, we launched an internal investigation. Our teams have thoroughly checked the packaging and inspected the goods in our warehouse, and we can confirm that all standard procedures were followed."

In conclusion, Sofia can now look back at this experience and laugh, knowing that it was just a funny story. But at the time, it was definitely a scary one. She can rest assured that the scorpion's sting was not on its tail, and she and her flatmates are safe and sound. Oh, the unexpected surprises of online shopping!

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