A singer who became popular for covering Lady Gaga's Shallow at a subway station is now going viral once again.

Remember the previous time she went viral.

August 18th 2024.

A singer who became popular for covering Lady Gaga's Shallow at a subway station is now going viral once again.
Do you remember Charlotte Awbery? You might not recognize her name right away, but you definitely know her face and her incredible voice. Charlotte, a singer-songwriter from Britain, became an overnight internet sensation during the pandemic when a video of her singing at a tube station went viral.

It all started in 2020 when Charlotte was asked to complete the lyrics to Lady Gaga's hit song "Shallow." Her amazing performance gained her a huge following and even earned her the title "queen of the gays." Since then, Charlotte has continued to post covers on social media and even submitted a song for Eurovision last year. But her moment of internet fame is far from over.

Recently, a clip of Charlotte singing at a wedding reception went viral on social media, shared by user fathrfigvre from Houston, Texas. The caption read, "Is it me or does she have 70s face? The kind of face that a celebrity in the 70s would have." The video showed Charlotte looking stunning in a blue dress, with her curly blonde hair as she belted out Alicia Keys' "If I Ain't Got You." It didn't take long for people to recognize her from her viral moment, and the original post has been viewed over 13 million times.

While many fans were excited to see Charlotte back in the spotlight, some found it eerie that her resurgence came at a time when the world was facing a pandemic and political turmoil. But for Charlotte, it was just another opportunity to share her love for music with the world.

In fact, Charlotte has been a regular performer since her TikTok success four years ago. She even released her own song called "Serenity" in May. With over 400,000 followers on Instagram, Charlotte regularly shares covers and updates about her gigs, and even takes part in Britney Spears-inspired fashion shows.

In a previous interview, Charlotte revealed that despite her cover of "Shallow" being watched by millions, Lady Gaga had not reached out. But she remained humble, stating that she was not trying to be an impersonator, but simply being herself. Charlotte hopes to be taken seriously as an artist and to show her own music, not to compete with Lady Gaga.

So far, 2024 has been a year filled with viral moments, and Charlotte's return to the spotlight is definitely one of them. She may not have Lady Gaga's fame or recognition, but she has her own unique talent and a growing fan base that loves and supports her. And that's all that matters to Charlotte.

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