A shocking twist in Coronation Street as pedophile Nathan is believed to be dead, with multiple potential culprits.

Who is the culprit?

May 6th 2024.

A shocking twist in Coronation Street as pedophile Nathan is believed to be dead, with multiple potential culprits.
Bethany's encounter with Nathan in Coronation Street leads to a shocking revelation about his release from prison and potential involvement in the disappearance of Lauren Bolton. While watching a police reconstruction of Lauren's last known movements, Bethany spots Nathan in the crowd and is taken aback, as she believed he was still behind bars for grooming and raping her in 2017.

Fearing that Nathan could be involved in Lauren's disappearance, Bethany shows a video of the reconstruction to her friend Daniel and then heads to the police station to speak with DS Swain. To her horror, she learns that Nathan has been released from prison and begs for him to be brought in for questioning.

As Bethany struggles to come to terms with the fact that Nathan is a free man, she remembers that he used to run a tanning salon, and wonders if he is still involved in the same despicable activities. Her determination to pin Lauren's murder on Nathan worries her mother Sarah, who cautions her against harassing Nathan's girlfriend. However, Bethany's resolve only grows stronger.

Meanwhile, others in the community also express their concerns about Nathan. David, Sarah, and Gary discuss the situation at the Rovers pub and agree that they need to do something to stop him from ruining Bethany's life again. Little do they know, there is already someone taking action.

Nathan is attacked at the building site where he works, leaving him unconscious on the ground. As various people have a motive for harming him, including David and Daniel, Bethany's suspicions turn to the latter. She notices a stain on David's jeans that could be blood or dirt from the building site and becomes convinced that he is responsible.

However, when tracking information from Shona's phone places David at the site at the time of the attack, he finally admits that he was there but insists he did not harm Nathan. This shifts the focus to Daniel, who has a history of violence and is worried about Bethany's well-being. As the truth slowly unravels, the question remains: was Daniel the one who attacked Nathan, and is Nathan truly responsible for Lauren's disappearance? The search for answers continues.

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