A selection of photographs showcasing the latest events and happenings in the state of Odisha.

People waiting at a bus terminal in Cuttack, India.

April 24th 2024.

A selection of photographs showcasing the latest events and happenings in the state of Odisha.
At Netaji Bus Terminal in Cuttack, passengers are seen rushing to catch their buses. The terminal is always bustling with people, especially during peak hours.

As I approached the Netaji Bus Terminal in Cuttack, I couldn't help but notice the chaotic scene in front of me. Passengers were frantically making their way through the crowds, determined to catch their buses. It was clear that this was a busy place, especially during peak hours.

As I made my way through the terminal, I couldn't help but feel the sense of urgency in the air. People were hurrying from one bus to another, some with luggage in tow, while others were anxiously checking their watches. It was clear that time was of the essence for these passengers.

Despite the chaos, there was a sense of order and efficiency in the way the terminal was run. The staff were always on their toes, making sure that buses were departing on time and passengers were getting to their destinations safely. It was impressive to see how smoothly everything was running, considering the constant stream of people coming and going.

I couldn't help but wonder about the stories behind each of these passengers. Where were they headed? What was their purpose for traveling? As I observed the diverse mix of people, I couldn't help but feel a sense of connection to them, as we all shared the common goal of reaching our destinations.

As I boarded my own bus and settled into my seat, I couldn't help but appreciate the bustling energy of the Netaji Bus Terminal. It may have been chaotic, but it was also a testament to the resilience and determination of the passengers and staff alike.

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