A Royal Navy ship confiscated over £40m worth of cocaine.

In 2024, HMS Trent has confiscated over £500 million worth of drugs.

August 24th 2024.

A Royal Navy ship confiscated over £40m worth of cocaine.
In a significant victory against drug trafficking, a Royal Navy warship, HMS Trent, has intercepted a staggering amount of cocaine with a street value of over £40 million during its patrol in the Caribbean Sea. This marks the ship's sixth successful bust in 2024, bringing the total amount of drugs seized to a whopping seven tons, worth a staggering £551.5 million.

Commander Tim Langford, the commanding officer of HMS Trent, described the latest bust on August 8th as "another significant haul." The operation was carried out with the help of a US maritime patrol aircraft, which alerted the ship to a suspicious speedboat approximately 120 nautical miles south of the Dominican Republic. With the help of Royal Marines and US Coast Guard personnel on board, the vessel was intercepted and the smugglers were caught in the act of tossing sealed packages overboard in a desperate attempt to evade authorities.

A total of 506kg of class A narcotics was seized and the three alleged smugglers were handed over to US authorities for prosecution. Cdr Langford commended the joint effort with their American partners, stating that "every member of [his] team can be proud of another significant haul." The successful operation serves as a reminder to drug traffickers that nowhere is safe and their operations will be disrupted and dismantled wherever they are in the world.

Armed forces minister Luke Pollard also praised the Royal Navy's role in maintaining maritime security and upholding international law in the region. He emphasized that this recent operation sends a strong message to drug traffickers that their illegal activities will not be tolerated. HMS Trent, which has been working closely with the US Coast Guard and the Joint Interagency Task Force, has now seized a total of 6,995kg of drugs in 2024. The ship continues to patrol Caribbean waters, serving as a reassuring presence to British Overseas Territories during hurricane season (June to November) and working to stem the flow of illegal cargo through the region.

The Royal Navy's successful operation serves as a reminder of the vital role they play in maintaining the safety and security of the region. Their efforts, in collaboration with their international partners, have proven to be effective in disrupting and deterring drug trafficking activities. As HMS Trent continues its patrols, it sends a clear message to criminals that their illegal activities will not go unpunished.

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