A rioter sentenced to 26 months in jail after being bitten by a police dog.

August 8th 2024.

A rioter sentenced to 26 months in jail after being bitten by a police dog.
Coming up next, we have a story that involves a couple who found themselves in a clash with the police during a riot in Hartlepool. It was a chaotic scene, and things got even crazier when one of them was bitten on the bum by a police dog. As a result, both of them have been sentenced to jail time.

The couple, Steven Mailen, 54, and Ryan Sheers, 29, were identified as being "at the very forefront of the mob" on Murray Street. The riot had erupted as a targeted attack on the homes of asylum seekers. It was a tense and dangerous situation, and the police were doing their best to control the chaos.

Mailen and Sheers had just returned home from a bingo game and were still drinking when they stumbled upon the unrest on their way to the local shop. It seems that alcohol may have played a role in their involvement in the riot. The court heard that Mailen was one of the main instigators and was actively taunting the police. He was seen gesturing and shouting abuse at an officer, seemingly inciting the crowd to use violence against them.

Meanwhile, Sheers, who was described as "particularly violent" by one officer, received a bite on his right hip/buttock area from a police dog. He was also seen shouting the infamous phrase "I pay your wages" at the officers before telling a handler to get the dog a drink. The situation escalated when the German Shepherd pulled down Sheers' shorts and he attempted to grab the dog or handler. When an officer tried to detain him, he grabbed the officer's radio and tucked it under his arm. He then kicked the officer numerous times in the shins.

Mailen continued to lash out as he was being arrested, and it took three officers to finally get him in handcuffs. Both Mailen and Sheers also attempted to push through a police cordon during the chaos. It was a tense and dangerous situation, and the police had to use force to control the couple.

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