A restaurant denied me due to my disability

Manager was shocked when I proved him wrong.

May 25th 2024.

A restaurant denied me due to my disability
Gavin, someone I know, has been facing discrimination due to his disability. Just a few weeks ago, while trying to enjoy a meal with his father, a restaurant manager made a hurtful remark, saying "He can't come in here walking like that." Even now, I'm shocked and saddened by this incident.

Gavin has cerebral palsy and a speech impediment, but these conditions do not define him. They certainly shouldn't prevent him from enjoying a simple meal with his loved ones. However, throughout his life, Gavin has often been judged, stared at, and laughed at because of his appearance. His cerebral palsy was diagnosed when he was only nine months old, and it affects his muscle control, coordination, tone, reflexes, posture, and balance.

As a result of his disability, Gavin is often ignored or overlooked. People tend to approach whoever is with him instead of speaking to him directly. It's as if they assume he is not capable of responding for himself. This ableism is something Gavin has faced numerous times, but it seems to be getting worse as he gets older.

Recently, while looking for a new Motability car, Gavin was once again ignored and spoken to through his mother instead of directly. This used to not bother him as much when he was younger, but now that he is in his forties, it's becoming increasingly frustrating. Instead of ignoring it, Gavin immediately asked the salesperson to speak to him instead and to be patient with his speech. The person eventually realized their mistake and apologized, but it's disheartening that these situations still occur.

On another occasion, Gavin and his father were at a restaurant and were almost going to leave because of the discriminatory treatment they were receiving. But his father, in a moment of empowerment, anger, and frustration, insisted on staying. Gavin walked in and sat down at a table while his father confronted the manager. His father explained that Gavin has cerebral palsy and that's why he walks the way he does. He also called out the manager for being ableist.

I can only imagine the stunned and confused expression on the manager's face. Thankfully, there was no further confrontation, and Gavin and his father were able to enjoy their meal in peace. However, it's important to note that they still had to pay for their meal, despite the violation of Gavin's rights as a customer. They did receive a half-hearted apology as they were leaving, but the damage had already been done. It's disheartening that even in 2024, discrimination towards people with disabilities still exists.

Under the 2010 Equality Act, disability is a protected characteristic. This means that any venue that acts in a discriminatory way is breaking the law. It's saddening that this incident had to happen for the manager and his staff to be reminded of the importance of upholding and adhering to this law. It's also crucial for businesses and organizations to provide disability awareness training to their frontline staff, to avoid these types of incidents in the future.

Gavin's experience is just one example of the barriers that disabled people continue to face on a daily basis. It's essential for outdated policies to be updated and modernized regularly, specifically in terms of compliance and disability awareness training. We also need to shift the outdated mindset that disabled people need to fit into the world instead of the world being more accessible for them.

Ultimately, we need to strive for a more inclusive and knowledgeable society, where everyone is treated with dignity, respect, and given equal opportunities, regardless of their abilities. Only then can we truly say that we have a united disability community. While this was not the first time Gavin has faced discrimination in the hospitality industry, we can only hope that it will be one of the last.

In the end, we must work towards a future where inclusivity is not just a token or goal, but a reality that is embraced and upheld by everyone. Everyone has a story to share, and it's crucial for us to listen and learn from each other. Let's continue to raise awareness and strive for a society where every individual is treated with respect and given equal opportunities.

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