A recent report cautions that the presence of asbestos in schools may result in the deaths of many people in the future.

School checks are insufficient or not being done properly.

October 21st 2024.

A recent report cautions that the presence of asbestos in schools may result in the deaths of many people in the future.
Mesothelioma, a type of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos, can remain undetected for many years. A recent report by the Joint Union Asbestos Committee has shed light on the potential dangers of asbestos exposure in UK schools. According to the report, hundreds of thousands of people could die from this preventable disease in the years to come.

The report paints a grim picture, stating that the number of mesothelioma deaths will continue to rise due to ineffective regulations and a culture of cost-cutting that downplays the risks of asbestos. The committee warns that this issue could become a "tsunami" in the UK if not properly addressed.

While it has long been advised to leave asbestos undisturbed, the dangers of this material still remain. Liz Darlison, CEO of Mesothelioma UK, compares the presence of asbestos in schools to a ticking time bomb, slowly causing harm and destruction. She expresses her disappointment in the lack of action being taken to protect people, especially children.

It is estimated that many schools across the UK still have dangerous levels of asbestos. Shockingly, since the 1980s, 1,400 teachers and nearly 13,000 students have died from mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure. This cancer develops in the lining of the body's organs, mainly the lungs, and is strongly linked to asbestos exposure.

Symptoms of mesothelioma can take decades to manifest, making it difficult to detect and treat. However, once diagnosed, the prognosis is usually grim, with most patients succumbing to the disease within two years. Dr Gill Reed, the lead investigator of the JUAC report, expresses concern over the misconception that asbestos in schools is safe as long as it remains undisturbed. She points out that it is impossible to know if the asbestos has been disturbed, as it is not always visible, and school inspections are not thorough enough.

The UK Health and Safety Executive estimates that thousands of buildings in the UK, including schools, contain asbestos. To effectively deal with this issue, Charles Pickles from the campaign Airtight On Asbestos suggests implementing a national register. This would allow for proper planning and removal of asbestos, ultimately ensuring the safety of students and staff in schools. It is time for the UK to face this problem head-on and take necessary measures to protect its citizens from the dangers of asbestos exposure.

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