A rare penile disorder causes prolonged erections and possible amputation.

Urgent medical situation.

January 29th 2025.

A rare penile disorder causes prolonged erections and possible amputation.
As soon as you notice that your erection is not going away, it is important to get it treated as soon as possible. While maintaining an erection for a long time may seem like a bragging right, it can actually be very dangerous. If your erection has been going on for more than four hours, you could be experiencing a condition known as priapism. This is a serious issue that can lead to painful side effects, such as necrosis of the penis or even amputation. In fact, it is estimated that about one in 2,000 people with a penis will experience priapism each year.

So what exactly is priapism and what are the symptoms? According to Dr. Jeff Foster, a member of the British Society of Sexual Medicine, priapism is when an erection lasts for an extended period of time, either partially or fully. This means that your erection lasts longer than the "desired use" time, which is typically around four hours or more. It is also important to note that the erection may not have been caused by sexual activity or masturbation.

If your erection lasts longer than four hours, it is crucial to seek medical help right away. Dr. Foster, who also writes for the men's health website Manual, explains that "Erections should not last more than four hours, if they do, it's a medical emergency." There are two types of priapism: ischemic and non-ischemic. Ischemic priapism occurs when blood is unable to leave the penis, causing the erection to become increasingly painful and lasting for more than four hours. On the other hand, non-ischemic priapism is more rare and is caused by damage to the arteries that supply blood to the penis. This is more likely to occur in patients who have experienced past trauma to their penis.

If you think you may be experiencing priapism, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Dr. Foster warns that the longer priapism is left untreated, the more likely it is to lead to penile necrosis, which is the death of tissue in the affected area. This could potentially lead to irreversible damage and even amputation.

There are several factors that can increase your risk of developing priapism. While it is more common in adults, it can occur at any age, even in childhood. Additionally, underlying conditions such as sickle cell disease or leukemia can make someone more prone to experiencing priapism. Certain medications, including alprostadil injections for erectile dysfunction, antidepressants, anxiety and ADHD medications, and alpha blockers, can also increase the risk. Even recreational drug use, such as smoking weed or using cocaine, can put you at a higher risk. In some rare cases, priapism can be caused by injury to the penis, spider bites, scorpion stings, or toxic infections.

If you are diagnosed with priapism, it is important to know that it is a treatable condition. Dr. Foster explains that the blocked vessels can be aspirated or medicine can be given to stop clotting. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary. To prevent priapism, it is important to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle and avoid using drugs like weed or cocaine. For those with underlying blood disorders, it is important to keep your levels in check and follow up with your doctor regularly. And most importantly, do not let embarrassment prevent you from seeking help. If you experience a fractured penis, it is important to seek immediate medical attention to prevent further damage.

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