A quick rundown of the key points in the Conservative Party's manifesto for the General Election.

Tories debut manifesto at Silverstone race track.

June 11th 2024.

A quick rundown of the key points in the Conservative Party's manifesto for the General Election.
During the ongoing campaign, Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister, has been actively making announcements in line with the party's manifesto. Recently, the Conservative manifesto was officially launched at the Silverstone racing circuit. The party is determined to regain its footing and steer the campaign in the right direction.

Sunak has been tirelessly working to gain the support of the public, making multiple policy announcements even in the late hours. These include proposals such as the reintroduction of National Service for 18-year-olds, tax benefits for pensioners, and a £20 million investment in 30 towns across the UK to promote equality. However, his efforts have been overshadowed by a few slip-ups, the most recent being his early departure from the ceremony commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

The manifesto serves as a comprehensive compilation of all the party's promises and proposals, providing a clear picture of their plans for the future. Unlike the opposing party, the Conservative party faces the challenge of convincing voters that the country is on the right track while also showcasing their innovative ideas.

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At the Silverstone event, Sunak emphasized the need for a secure future and a clear plan for the country. He stated, "This country wants a clear plan and bold action, and it is this Conservative manifesto that will deliver it." Here are some of the key points from the manifesto.

Taxes are a major focus of the manifesto, with some proposals being hinted at before the official launch. The party plans to cut taxes for workers by reducing National Insurance by an additional 2p, effectively halving it since the beginning of the year. Self-employed individuals will see the main rate of National Insurance abolished by the end of the next parliament. Stamp Duty for first-time homebuyers will also be abolished for homes up to £425,000, an increase from the current £300,000 limit. Landlords who sell their properties to existing tenants will receive temporary Capital Gains Tax relief for two years. The party has also promised not to raise income tax or VAT, a promise also made by the opposition.

Immigration was a recurring topic at the manifesto launch, with the party stating that both illegal and legal migration to the UK is too high. The introduction of the Rwanda scheme is a significant proposal, where illegal migrants will be removed on a regular basis starting this July. The manifesto also promises to set up a cap on work and family visas to reduce the number of people coming to the UK legally.

The Conservative party aims to invest in young people and education with their proposed policies. Schools will be required to ban the use of mobile phones during school hours, though it is unclear if this will apply to all ages. The party also plans to fund 100,000 apprenticeships by limiting the number of low-quality university degrees. A new model of National Service is also suggested, which will be compulsory for every 18-year-old as a rite of passage. The manifesto also mentions the introduction of the "Advanced British Standard" in schools, aiming to bridge the gap between academic and technical education.

In terms of healthcare, the party promises to increase NHS spending above inflation every year, with plans to recruit 92,000 more nurses and 28,000 more doctors. The manifesto also includes the promise of delivering the 40 new hospitals that were pledged in the 2019 manifesto, despite criticism from the Liberal Democrats regarding the slow progress of construction. A Dental Recovery Plan is also mentioned, which aims to provide 2.5 million more NHS dental appointments. In an effort to reduce waste and bureaucracy, the party plans to reduce the number of managers in the health service by 5,500.

The environment was also a significant point of discussion at the manifesto launch, with the PM emphasizing the party's pragmatic approach towards achieving net zero emissions. This is in response to skepticism within the party regarding the feasibility of this goal. The manifesto pledges to triple offshore wind capacity, build the first two carbon capture and storage clusters, and invest £1.1 billion into the government's Green Industries Growth Accelerator. The creation of any new "green levies" is ruled out, and the Climate Change Committee will be reformed to consider the cost to households when advising the government.

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