A pregnant woman named Lauren collapses in pain on Coronation Street, leading to a tragic situation.

The woman is worried about a miscarriage.

July 22nd 2024.

A pregnant woman named Lauren collapses in pain on Coronation Street, leading to a tragic situation.
Lauren was going through a tough time in her life, and things were about to get even more difficult for her. In the upcoming episodes of Coronation Street, she collapses and is gripped with fear, thinking that she might be losing her precious baby. It was just another terrifying experience for Lauren Bolton, who had already been through so much in her life.

Lauren's pregnancy was confirmed a few weeks ago when she returned to Weatherfield. The father of her baby is Joel, whom she had a toxic relationship with earlier this year. The situation took a drastic turn when Joel confronted Lauren while she was visiting Roy in the hospital. It was then that she revealed her pregnancy to stop Joel from attacking her again. Joel never planned on becoming a father to Lauren's baby, but things were about to change once again.

During an afternoon spent with Dee-Dee, Joel mentions their wedding budget and how his divorce is costing him a lot of money. Later, when he brings his daughter Maeve to the flat, Dee-Dee comments on how natural he is as a father. Little did they know that things were about to take another dramatic turn. It all started with Lauren texting Joel about a leak in the flat. With Dee-Dee having to go to court, Joel had no choice but to take Maeve with him.

A few days later, Dee-Dee receives a parcel addressed to E Smith, leaving her puzzled. Meanwhile, Joel visits Lauren and tells her that she will soon be moving to Ireland. As he discovers that Dee-Dee has received the important parcel, Joel starts plotting to get rid of Lauren for good. But at the flat, Lauren is seen in excruciating pain, clutching her stomach. Was this all a part of Joel's plan?

Max arrives at the flat after tracking Lauren's location and bangs on the door. Lauren, terrified that she might be losing her baby, calls out to him. The question remains, was this all a part of Joel's selfish plan? Actor Calum Lill, who plays the character of Joel, believes that there is more to his character than what meets the eye. He stated that Joel is very selfish and lacks empathy.

As for the duration of this storyline, Calum hopes that it will be dragged out for as long as possible. He enjoys working with the amazing cast and crew of Coronation Street and would love to spend more time with them. With so much uncertainty surrounding Joel's character, one can only wonder where this storyline will go. For the latest updates, join Metro's WhatsApp Soaps community and be the first to know about shocking EastEnders spoilers, departures from Coronation Street, and juicy gossip from Emmerdale.

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