A prediction from The Simpsons has been realized with the discovery of an unusual "three-eyed fish."

They have succeeded once more.

June 21st 2024.

A prediction from The Simpsons has been realized with the discovery of an unusual
The Simpsons have once again amazed their fans by accurately predicting yet another real-life event. Over the years, the show's writers have made us question whether they are actually time travelers, as they seem to have a knack for foreseeing major events. From Donald Trump's presidency to Lady Gaga's Super Bowl performance and the current Coronavirus pandemic, The Simpsons have seemingly predicted it all.

The latest prediction to come true involves a three-eyed fish, reminiscent of the beloved character Blinky. A Reddit user shared a photo of a cod with three eyes, caught off the coast of Greenland just a few days ago. As people marveled over the image of this mysterious creature, many were quick to point out that they had seen something similar before. "Blinky!" exclaimed one user, while another commented, "Simpsons did it." It's no surprise that fans were reminded of the iconic episode Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish, where Bart catches a three-eyed fish.

In this episode, Mr. Burns eats the fish, which is said to be mutated by pollution from his nuclear power plant. Interestingly, this same episode resurfaced last year when Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was seen eating a fish from the Fukushima coast to dispel concerns about the release of radioactive water. The Simpsons viewers were quick to draw a connection between this real-life event and the episode, further fueling the speculation that the show's writers have a knack for predicting the future.

But how do The Simpsons writers manage to get it so right? Some have suggested that it's not just a coincidence, but rather a result of their diverse backgrounds and expertise in various fields such as mathematics and social sciences. A YouTube video explained that this unique mix of writers allows them to be in touch with current trends and make educated guesses about future events.

However, showrunner Al Jean has a different explanation. He believes that their predictions are not a result of some sixth sense or time travel abilities, but rather a combination of research and educated guesses. For instance, their prediction of Trump's presidency was based on the fact that he had previously considered running for president in the 90s. As for their prediction of Germany winning the World Cup, it was simply a calculated guess as they wanted Brazil to lose.

Despite the theories and speculations, one thing is for sure – The Simpsons have a knack for predicting the future, and their fans can't get enough of it. Whether it's a coincidence or not, the show continues to amaze and entertain viewers with its eerily accurate predictions. Who knows what they will predict next? One thing is certain, The Simpsons will continue to surprise us with their uncanny abilities. Do you have a story to share? We would love to hear from you! Get in touch with our entertainment team by emailing us, calling us, or visiting our Submit Stuff page. We can't wait to hear from you.

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