A popular Coronation Street icon takes extreme measures to eliminate a reviled character for the first time.

In times of desperation, extreme actions are necessary.

May 26th 2024.

A popular Coronation Street icon takes extreme measures to eliminate a reviled character for the first time.
In the latest storyline of Coronation Street, all eyes are on Sarah as the quest to find out what happened to Lauren Bolton heats up. As a concerned mother, Sarah is determined to see justice served and is willing to go to extreme lengths to ensure the person responsible faces consequences.

After Bethany, Sarah's daughter, spots her abuser Nathan Curtis at a reconstruction event for Lauren's disappearance, Sarah can't shake off the feeling that there must be a connection. Nathan, who had groomed and raped Bethany in 2017, showing up at such an event seems like more than just a coincidence.

Actress Tina O'Brien, who plays Sarah, shared that her character is feeling a mix of emotions - upset, angry, and helpless. Nathan's presence is a constant reminder of the trauma he caused Bethany and Sarah is determined to keep him as far away from her daughter as possible.

But Sarah's plan to pay Nathan to leave backfires when he takes the money but makes it clear he has no intention of leaving. Tina explained that Sarah is devastated as she feels like she has done everything in her power to get rid of Nathan, but he continues to haunt her family.

With her daughter's safety in mind, Sarah comes up with a risky plan. She takes one of Lauren's hair bobbles, left behind at the Platts' house, and plans to plant it at the building site where Nathan works. Tina shared that Sarah has never done something like this before, but her determination to protect her family outweighs any fear or worry she may have.

As the hunt for Lauren's killer intensifies, Sarah's actions could cost her dearly. She is aware of the consequences but is willing to take the risk to ensure her daughter's well-being. Tina also mentioned that while Sarah may not be 100% sure of Nathan's involvement in Lauren's disappearance, she feels morally justified in her actions due to the impact he had on Bethany's life.

In the end, it all comes down to Sarah's sense of guilt and wanting to make things right. She fell for Nathan's manipulations in the past and now feels responsible for not protecting her daughter. As the truth about Lauren's disappearance unravels, Sarah is determined to do whatever it takes to protect her family.

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