A police detective resigned in shame for using a hose to spray dog feces onto his neighbor's property.

She sprayed dog waste into their garden with a hose when they complained.

October 10th 2024.

A police detective resigned in shame for using a hose to spray dog feces onto his neighbor's property.
Detective Sergeant Mel Chinn was recently found guilty of misconduct after a dispute with her neighbors, Chloe Baldwin and Owain Walcroft, escalated into a series of confrontations. The incident took place in Croydon, where Mel and her husband Darren Fishley lived next door to Chloe and Owain. The two couples had been neighbors since 2017, but tensions began to rise in 2019 when Chloe and Owain built a ground floor extension to their home.

The dispute was over a planning issue, specifically the raising of a side passageway and the building of the extension. However, things took a turn for the worse when Mel started hosing down her dog's urine and feces under the garden fence into Chloe and Owain's yard. This caused a bad smell and attracted flies, which understandably upset the couple and their young children. When they asked Mel to stop, she responded by spraying them with a hose.

In April 2022, Chloe captured a video of Mel spraying her and her husband, along with some hurtful comments about mental health. In another incident in June 2022, Mel abruptly ended a garden party at Chloe's house by spraying water under the fence while guests were outside. The panel reviewing the case determined that Mel was responsible for these confrontations, despite her initial denial and attempts to blame her daughter.

Mel and her husband's behavior was deemed aggressive and intimidating, and Mel's comments about mental health and parenting skills were particularly concerning. The panel concluded that her actions brought discredit to the police service and would be seen as unacceptable by the public. They also noted that Mel had not accepted responsibility for her actions or shown any remorse for the distress she caused her neighbors.

While the panel found Mel guilty of gross misconduct, they decided that she would not have been dismissed from her position had she still been working as a detective sergeant. Instead, she would have received a final written warning. However, Mel has since quit the force, feeling powerless and isolated by the situation. She stated that her main focus now is on her family and regaining a sense of control.

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