A painting of Picasso's daughter, owned by Versace, was sold for £18,000,000 at an auction.

This text is describing a cheerful rendering of Maya Widmaier-Picasso when she was two years old.

March 3rd 2023.

A painting of Picasso's daughter, owned by Versace, was sold for £18,000,000 at an auction.
A painting of two-year-old Maya Widmaier-Picasso by Pablo Picasso, titled Fillette Au Bateau, Maya, was sold for £18.1million at auction, a sum that far exceeded the £12million estimation. The piece, previously owned by fashion designer Gianni Versace, was an 'exuberant' and 'joyful' portrait of Picasso's daughter, created shortly after he had finished his Guernica. Picasso had a mistress, Marie-Thérèse Walter, who became known as his 'golden muse' and was the mother of Maya, who passed away last year at the age of 87. The auction by Sotheby's, which included works by Lucian Freud, Edvard Munch, and Wassily Kandinsky, achieved £172.6million in total.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

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