A mother criticizes school for not addressing the case of a teacher who had sexual relationships with two students.

Rebecca Joynes found guilty of sexual activity with a minor, two while in a position of trust as a teacher.

May 19th 2024.

A mother criticizes school for not addressing the case of a teacher who had sexual relationships with two students.
Yesterday, Rebecca Joynes was found guilty of six counts of sexual activity with a child. This has caused outrage among the parents of students at the school where Joynes worked as a maths teacher. They are upset with the school for not informing them about Joynes' crimes and for not taking any action against her. For legal reasons, the school has not been named, but there are accusations that they failed to address the situation and inform parents about the allegations against Joynes until it became public knowledge.

The court heard that Joynes had been involved in sexual activity with two of her pupils, one of whom she got pregnant. The mother of another child in the same year as the victims has come forward, claiming that there may have been more victims and that the school should have informed parents sooner. She spoke to The Sun, saying, "The first we heard anything about it was when it came out in the paper that she had been arrested and charged. But the school didn't say anything and even if you phone them, it was a very closed book."

During the trial, Joynes was accompanied by her father. The mother of the other child expressed her dissatisfaction with the way the school handled the situation, saying, "I am unhappy with how the school has dealt with it." She also added, "I'm confident my child wasn't exposed to Joynes as she wasn't his teacher, but I wonder how many other boys were. I think the effect it's had on my son is that the people in positions of power and trust aren't always the ones you can rely on."

Now, Joynes is awaiting sentencing for her crimes, but the judge warned her that she could face many years in jail. The judge also acknowledged the presence of a baby in the case, saying, "There's a baby in this case who has done nothing wrong and is entirely innocent, and you will obviously want to see her before sentence is passed, I understand that. But you must be under no illusion about what's going to happen on July 4. You will have to serve the sentence that I pass."

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