A married prison officer, who was allegedly caught on camera having sexual relations with an inmate, is also a swinger.

Linda is thought to have an OnlyFans profile.

June 30th 2024.

A married prison officer, who was allegedly caught on camera having sexual relations with an inmate, is also a swinger.
There has been quite a stir lately surrounding the scandalous behavior of a prison officer at HMP Wandsworth, a woman by the name of Linda De Sousa Abreu. It's been alleged that she was caught on camera engaging in sexual activities with an inmate, and the details of this scandal have been making waves throughout the prison and the media.

Linda, who is only 29 years old, has been charged with misconduct in public office by the Met Police. It has been rumored that she is a married swinger, adding even more scandal to the situation. The video footage that has been circulating shows a prison officer in uniform, engaging in a sex act and having intercourse with a prisoner while her radio crackles in the background with messages.

The police were alerted to the footage on Friday and quickly launched an investigation. Later that same day, Linda was arrested and taken into custody. The video in question was filmed by another prisoner using an illegally-held phone and shows Linda in her uniform, performing a sex act and engaging in intercourse with the prisoner while his cellmate films the act.

What's even more shocking is that this footage was taken recently and shows Linda's discarded radio on a nearby table, constantly crackling with the voices of her colleagues. At one point, someone even tries to enter the cell while the act is taking place, but the filming prisoner tells them to wait a moment. The footage also shows a TV and piles of clothes on a bunk bed, giving a glimpse into the prisoner's living conditions.

Throughout the video, the prisoner filming can be heard making jokes and bragging about their "gangster" lifestyle, while Linda can be seen in the background wearing gym clothes and posing in front of exercise equipment. It's even been reported that Linda has an explicit OnlyFans account and may have quit her job as a prison officer after the footage was discovered.

Linda's sister has come forward to reveal that she has been a swinger for some time now, and had only recently revealed to her family that she worked as a prison officer. Her sister warned her against mixing her lifestyle with her work, but it seems her warnings fell on deaf ears. The Metropolitan Police continue to investigate the situation, but Linda is due to appear in court tomorrow to face the charges of misconduct in public office.

The scandalous footage has caused quite a stir, not only within the prison walls but also in the media. It's a shocking reminder of the dangers of mixing personal and professional lives, and the consequences that can come from such actions. Only time will tell how this scandal will unfold, but for now, it serves as a cautionary tale for all.

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