A man who lost his leg and uses a wheelchair has lost access to his car designed for mobility.

It's cruel and uncivilized.

June 29th 2024.

A man who lost his leg and uses a wheelchair has lost access to his car designed for mobility.
Tariq's life took a drastic turn when he was involved in a train accident that left him with life-changing injuries. He lost his leg and fingers in the tragic incident and was in a coma for almost a month. Despite the challenges he faced, Tariq, now 44, managed to miraculously survive and has been living an independent life thanks to his customized car.

However, things took a turn for the worse when Tariq lost his mobility car, which he heavily relied on for transportation. This has greatly impacted his daily life and made it difficult for him to perform simple tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and even buttoning up his shirt. Tariq, being a hardworking individual, has a job as a customer service adviser and also coaches kids' football. He is a proud father to a teenage son and was able to take him to practice and be actively involved in his life, all thanks to his adapted car.

But now, Tariq's world has been turned upside down as he lost his car due to a change in his benefits. This has caused him great distress as he now has to rely on others for transportation. Tariq, who is constantly on the move as a one-legged football coach, has experienced excruciating pain in his wrist and knee due to using crutches for a prolonged period of time. He applied for enhanced care allowance to pay for help with cleaning and other tasks that he couldn't do on his own, but his request was denied by an independent tribunal.

Tariq's life revolves around his job, family, and passion for coaching kids' football. He has been a dedicated employee, paid his national insurance, and has been a positive force in his community. Losing his car has made him feel disabled and has greatly impacted his independence. His friend started a GoFundMe campaign to help him purchase an adapted car of his own, and Tariq is extremely grateful for the support he has received.

The train accident that changed Tariq's life forever is a blur to him as he doesn't remember what happened. He was told that his leg was amputated on the scene, below his hip, and he also had severe injuries to both of his arms and wrists. Despite the physical and mental challenges he faced, Tariq has been able to cope and lead a fulfilling life. He has even learned to drive with his disability, but he still experiences intense phantom pains at times.

Losing his car has greatly affected Tariq's daily routine and has caused him to rely on others for transportation. He has been unable to see his son as much as he used to, and simple tasks like going to work have become a daunting challenge. Tariq's wrist and knee are constantly in pain due to using crutches on uneven and wet surfaces. He is worried that this will eventually lead to him being hospitalized, which will cost more than providing him with an adapted car.

Tariq believes that there is something inherently wrong with the system. He feels that the decision made by the independent tribunal to not award him the enhanced mobility element is illogical and will only worsen his disability. He is concerned for those who are not in a position to defend themselves, especially those who struggle mentally. Tariq's employer and family have been supportive, but he worries for those who don't have the same level of support.

The Department for Work and Pensions declined to comment on the decision made by the independent tribunal. Tariq hopes that someone will take a closer look at how the system works and make necessary changes to ensure that individuals with disabilities are not put in such difficult situations. He believes that the system needs to be more understanding and considerate towards those who are already facing challenges due to their disabilities.

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