A man is facing jail time after pushing a boy off a cliff while the boy was trying to stop him from raping his sister.

Investigator describes case as one of the worst instances of child abuse.

June 6th 2024.

A man is facing jail time after pushing a boy off a cliff while the boy was trying to stop him from raping his sister.
A man named Anthony Stocks was recently informed that he could be facing a lengthy prison sentence for his heinous actions. This individual, who is a known paedophile, was accused of throwing a 10-year-old boy off a 100ft cliff. The boy had bravely tried to intervene and stop Stocks from raping his own sister. It was a truly horrific and traumatic event that left the entire community in shock.

During the trial at Oxford Crown Court, it was revealed that Stocks, who is 54 years old, had told the 12-year-old girl he was abusing that he wanted to "get rid of" her brother so that they could be together. He even concocted a scheme to lure the young Chelsea fan out on a day trip to London to see the famous Stamford Bridge football stadium. However, his true intention was to take the boy to Brighton and harm him.

Witnesses who were on the same day trip as Stocks and the boy later told police that they saw the two walking near the cliff edge in Ovingdean. Suddenly, they heard a loud scream and saw a small figure plummeting down to the concrete walkway below. It was a miracle that the boy survived, but he sustained serious injuries and had to be airlifted to a hospital in London. Initially, it was believed to be a tragic accident, but further investigations revealed a much darker and disturbing truth.

When the boy was finally able to speak to detectives after spending months in the hospital, he bravely shared the truth about his sister's ordeal at the hands of Stocks. In his interview, he mentioned becoming suspicious of Stocks' behavior after seeing him kiss the girl on the lips and then taking her "behind the bush" in a park where children were playing. The boy revealed that Stocks would follow his sister everywhere and even asked her to have sex with him on a daily basis. He felt incredibly sad for his sister and didn't know what to do at the time. He also mentioned that Stocks seemed disappointed and would sigh whenever he was around, as nothing would happen between them.

The jury also heard that Stocks had previously taken the boy to a quarry in Oxfordshire and had contemplated pushing him off the cliffs there. However, he changed his mind at the last minute. The girl, who cannot be named, tried to warn her brother to stay away from Stocks, but unfortunately, he didn't listen. She told police that Stocks had even told her a few days before the near fatal attack that he was going to "push him off a cliff" so they could be together. However, her warnings fell on deaf ears as her brother insisted on going to London.

Ultimately, Stocks was found guilty of attempted murder, four counts of sexually assaulting a girl under 13, causing a girl under 13 to engage in sexual activity, and rape of a girl under 13. Judge Nigel Daly remanded him in custody until his sentencing at the end of July. One of the detectives leading the investigation described Stocks' crimes as "absolutely horrific and evil." Detective Sergeant Rachel Jackson stated that this was one of the worst cases of child abuse she had ever dealt with.

She went on to say that Stocks' actions were "absolutely horrific and evil," and that he had no regard for anyone but himself. He was willing to go to extreme measures, even attempting to kill a child, in order to avoid facing the consequences of his actions. She praised the bravery of both victims for coming forward and helping to bring Stocks to justice. It was a truly disturbing and heartbreaking case that left a lasting impact on all those involved.

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