A man in Devon discovers a 1-meter-long 'vampire fish' with a mouth full of swirling teeth in a river.

47-year-old Jason Moore caught a terrifying fish while fishing.

August 18th 2024.

A man in Devon discovers a 1-meter-long 'vampire fish' with a mouth full of swirling teeth in a river.
Jason Moore recently came across a rather interesting discovery during his explorations - a blood-sucking fish that was about 10 times larger than any lamprey he had ever seen before. It was quite a sight to behold, and Jason couldn't resist sharing his encounter with the world. He posted a photo of the creature on Facebook, where it quickly caught the attention of many people.

This was not the first time a lamprey had been spotted. Last year, another one was found on the Dutch island of Texel. These creatures are often referred to as 'vampire fish' due to their tendency to suck blood. In fact, they are believed to have served as inspiration for the sandworms in the famous Dune franchise. But don't worry, they are not as terrifying as they may seem.

Their bites can be quite vicious, as one man claimed to still be feeling the effects of a lamprey's bite nine years after the incident. Some people even likened them to sci-fi monsters, commenting on the photo Jason shared on Facebook. It's not surprising that these creatures have sparked the imagination of many, with their unusual appearance and behavior.

Although they may seem like something straight out of a horror film, Jason wants to assure everyone that there's no need to be afraid of these blood-sucking fish in British waterways. He believes that people should not let the presence of lampreys deter them from enjoying activities in the rivers, such as kayaking or swimming. While it may be shocking to know that such creatures exist in our rivers, there's no reason to be scared or horrified. After all, they are just a part of the diverse and fascinating ecosystem of our waterways. So, don't let them stop you from having fun in the rivers!

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