A main character from Emmerdale is absent, possibly indicating that she was killed.

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July 28th 2024.

A main character from Emmerdale is absent, possibly indicating that she was killed.
Something has happened and it was bound to happen sooner or later. Kim Tate, the formidable queen of Emmerdale, is finally catching on to what Rose Jackson has been up to. After being evicted from her own home, Kim is not one to go down without a fight. She is determined to uncover the truth and will stop at nothing to do so.

Ruby, on the other hand, believes she is a match for Kim but little does she know, she couldn't be more wrong. Actress Claire King, who plays Kim, revealed in an interview that Ruby may think she's met her match, but she is no match for Kim's dangerous tactics. The tension between these two women is palpable.

Rose has been given a mission by Ruby - to seduce Will and destroy Kim's world. After much scheming and even a drugging incident, Rose is about to achieve her goal. But at what cost? Is it worth it for her to betray Kim and her own morals?

Kim is not taking her forced eviction lightly. She has moved into the B&B and is seething with anger. However, this gives her the perfect opportunity to investigate what Rose is really up to. She is determined to get to the bottom of things and has no qualms about getting her hands dirty.

Meanwhile, Rose is reveling in her newfound power after dethroning Kim. She has taken over the queen's throne and is making herself comfortable in her new home, even setting up a tacky bar to mark her territory. But her happiness is short-lived when Ruby gives her an ultimatum - sleep with Will or lose everything.

Will, who has been ignored by Kim, is vulnerable and Rose seizes her chance. She makes her move and the next day, coyly tells Will it shouldn't have happened. Before Will can react, she receives a mysterious call. Things are about to get even more complicated.

While all this is going on, Kim is on a mission to bring down Rose. She meets with the same drug dealer that Rose had dealings with and tries to extract information from him. Although he doesn't give up any names, Kim knows that Rose is not the mastermind behind everything.

Kim's suspicions are further confirmed when she has a brief conversation with Caleb. She then pays a visit to Ruby's house and spots a bottle of her expensive brandy, a clear sign that something is amiss. She confronts Ruby, who knows the jig is up. But Ruby refuses to back down and gleefully informs Kim that her marriage is over.

However, Kim is not one to take things lying down. She returns home, determined to take control of the situation. But her actions may have gone too far this time when PC Swirling arrives at Home Farm with some shocking news - Rose is missing. And the guilt is written all over Kim and Will's faces. Has Kim taken her revenge too far this time?

In an interview with The Agency, Claire King hinted that Kim may be capable of going down a dark path with Rose, but it all depends on how badly things go. And with Rose now missing, it seems like things are about to take a dangerous turn. Will Kim be able to handle the consequences of her actions? Only time will tell.

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